Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Well, hello Blog..again,

I don't know why I write on the blog in letter format...maybe I should head this with "An open letter to people in my life,". I don't know, but yeah, everything is Zen...I've recently figured out that when I say "I understand", "I see where you're coming from"...I really don't...I can wrap my mind around a fashion. Take Zen for instance...I "Understand" the theory...but I really don't. Hopefully Halloween Rocks, and I demand everyone on this blog make a "halloween fun time" post, otherwise "buh bye"

but moving past that, don't you hate those massive fatty realizations? I do...seriously..there have been faaar to many lately...they all need to go away and die. like for instance, the realization you will never be happy until you're on drugs..thats always a golden

I think a top 5 list of horrible thoughts that will come up and beat the shit out of you with rotting trout are

5. The girl I love doesn't like me (pretty generic, I know) (and no relation to current events)
4. Even with balls/spine, things (may) never work out...
3. Too much coffee isn't your friend
2. When your computer dies mid-important action, it sucks
1. The only way you will ever be happy is when you aren't yourself