Saturday, October 27, 2001

But i dont have a day job but if you have a problem with my comments you can get a spoon and start eating. Got any whip cream? But besides the point my progress report kicked ass. hell yea

Friday, October 26, 2001

dont quit your day job chris. Don't ever try to be funny again. It may seem funny, but it is severly brain damaging to the people who hear/read it.Thank you for your time.
I will no longer post lyrics to music because it is getting harder and harder each and every day...oops. But about ann' last post i can feel for you at my old high school we hadd block days, and one of my days was two hours of math and two hours of middle earstern studies so boring oh so boring. Now i will leave something to knaw on...Why is the Sky blue and the ocean blue what if the ocean was the sky and the sky the ocean?
To any of you it may concern-
I have recently become aware that some people have strange oppinions of the thing with me and Jessica going out now. I'm not going to say who, but somebody actually told me their well structured oppinion (which I am thankful for)...but if any of you have a problem with it, or anything at all, shut your mouths, or come talk to me about it. I know all of you think you know everything about everyones personal lives and what they think, but dont. none of you...not one...knows what is going on between me and her (I intended on this happening). So...oh well, im done talking for now, but heres a summary of everything. 1. You shouldnt have a problem with anything concerning me and Jessica, because you dont know anything, and 2. If you suck ass
Thank you for your time, and have a nice day
are you aware that you have no charisma? and i'm pretty sure you've eaten a fair amount of coos bay-nians down of ann's day: 3 hours in french class, then 3 hours in biology. somebody kill me please. the whole while i've had this blinding pain in my abdomen, i think my appendix is bursting....oh god....*prays for sweet death*

Thursday, October 25, 2001

Hey Blog, how'ya doing...its been a while

but yeah, moving along...I'm a happy, yet stupid, Jack. Oh, yeah, the chicks dig it when the guy takes action...I saw it happen today.

Me to guy- "Take action, its the only way anything will change"
Girl that wanted said guy- *Pleased grin*
Guy- *turns to face girl* "will you go out with me?"

'tis beautiful indeed, go a spine my friends, and get some...or continue to follow the path of Amoeba Man, who constantly eats people...your call. but yeah, wow...our choir is fucking it...come to the next concert. They're very good (and just put in ear plugs when the Symphonic Choir comes on). Also, yeah, when you grow your spine, after using it DON'T PUT IT BACK! Leave it on, it'll help with everything...charisma=g00dx0r

Well, I'm out
Oh. My. God. Yep, i've found the devil online. Hes to your left, sir, thank you and come again to Samuel's house o' terror. (best with sound)
Aint got much to say but a point to Shuffs bitchings awhile ago, it sux when your coffee tastes like onions
but oh well, got a better brand
i will leave with this: WE are not individual snowflakes...
You know, with all this halloween mania i've found the best costume.

Dominic? Damn right nigga. Damn, fucking, right.
Kablap I'm hoping you've all seen this

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

hey dudes, i'd like to agree with jason about the wal*mart site it kicks ass. I would try the alka seltzer in the water, but with the anthrax stuff going on maybe not. and sac no posting of porn for you, mmkay
weel i got to go
gotta love the anti-wal mart sites...and ed woolery, haven't seen you in awhile! damn dude...if you guys do any of that shit at wal mart, post it here...

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

Hello all. Havent posted for a while in here. I do have to give mad kudos to Ed. That "Anarchy in Wal-Mart," link was the shizzle. I think im gonna try some of those out. I'm just gonna link some cool shit happenin...Pot legal in the UK? yup.....
Hey dudes, have'nt posted in awhile. so here is my recent post, not to offend any one but something recently has been troubling me. This is a long term thing by the way. I think it is pretty stupid for us to get pissed off at someone when they start to go out with people i mean come on we are somewhat friends and we should support each other. With that done i like to say something having an "ism" is not a bad thing. Oh by the way Vegas was fun so stop asking AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh. hehe
wow i just seen some of gigers furniture and his fine art. its realy cool i think if i ever went evil i would buy it but it costs 25,000$ if anyone else has any cool artist well please forgive me for babbling on about nothing and if you to fight about it ok . i will try to get more better stufff to right about
You lovveeee zombo...

(open with sound) Zombo

Monday, October 22, 2001

H.R. Giger is the man...I saw a picture he drew once of rotting genitals, it was pretty scary. since people want porn, i might as well be the guy that posts porn. so here you guys go, have fun...
The Hun's Yellow Pages
giger rocks !!!!!!!!!
Well, its my job to write something meaningful and useless every day.. so with that in mind AYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Hey all, after desperatly searching around for people, I get on my bus, ride home, walk up my driveway and *gasp* The Whale has been fucking harpooned...not literally, but the back is seriously Mc'Fux0red, window's out, there's a tarp over that, so what does this mean to all you Omniscient-ish people? oh yeah, Mercedes Benz time...*imagines "bumping" around in the "sled"*, it'll be great, all 72 horsepower....heh heh heh...yep
im going to go to walmart and use ther intercome and piss them off it will be fun because today im ungrounded and all is good
This is the Link

hello every one im home hehehehehe i have just recently found an anti walmart page and i love it. i have found tons of ways to anoy the hell out of the walmart people its good stuff bye and yeah okiedoghkey

Sunday, October 21, 2001

hey, as of yesterday i'm REALLY legal to drive people!

not that that really changes anything at all...
This is going to be my general bitch post, I'm at peace, but yeat...I'm bitching...

my first point would have to be Watch out for the e.e. cummings floor, because its everywhere, when it happens pay attention because something important will happen

2.) hmm, don't be the devil, and do nothing you wouldn't tell everyone (meaning, be proud of what you do you spineless fucks)

3.) Jenna- Good job helping old people, next time, remember to add the anthrax BEFORE you give it to the old people

4.) Dammit Zac, Dammit...Dammit...Dammit....

5.) When you love the changes you've made in somebody, then you're just loving yourself...and thats wrong...don't do it

6.) When your coffee has a strong aftertaste of Onions, its time to find a new blend

7.) Find one person to anchor yourself to in times of need, and after those times, give that person a hug goddammit

I'm out, and yeah, if I get any shit for this, I'm going to blow up your house, and eat your uterus (with Ketchup) now back to the g-hetto my G'z!