Saturday, November 03, 2001

Well, if no one else is gonna reply to Ann's post, i might as well. (High fidelity kicked big ass, Jack Black is the man IMO)

Things I love:
1. Listening to a song 5 times in a row and it still giving you chills.
2. Last bite of a double quarter pouder w/cheese.
3. Driving around with your friends, having no purpose.
4. Drugs.
5. Drugs, just thought it was important to list it twice.
6. Epiphanys
7. Vegi-food
8. When I sit down to write a story, and it just all comes out in a rush, and before you notice it, you've written something powerfull.
9. This might seem kind of weird: Trying to guess what people think of you.
10. Keeping your illusions.
11. Destroying your illusions.
12. Food thats better reheated the next day.
13. The sweaty ache in your body aftter an intense physical activity (Im talking sports/mosh pits you sick monkeys)
14. Bad movies with Clark.
15. Waking up before everyone, still dark, and sitting on the couch drinking coffee wrapped in a blanket, watching the sun rise (yeah im a pussy get over it)}
16. Not being involved.
17. Good hugs.
18. Da Wang
19. Dancing to Sublime
20. Drugs.

I'm just gonna stop at 20 and write some more later.
Just wanted to say I just got back from the concert, and i am of the upmost tired. wow, im surprised i can type. Overall the concert was the shit. It owned you. On the way back whenever Zac and I weren't sleeping, we suffered from chronic sleep-loss-hysteria. We laughed uncontrollably and frankly, it made my sides hurt. But I'll go more in depth to what all happened tomorrow when I can keep my eyes open. Laterz everyone


Friday, November 02, 2001

Wow today sucked. with all my friends gone i had nothing to do. I had no music because i have no cd player, no enterainment because no t.v. or games, aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh...going stir crazy. Come back, Come back, the light is calling.

p.s. kickit Lunchbox
ahhh, i've been composing this list because, damn, list are cool (high fidelity, enough said). things i LOVE: my friends (no matter what), the smell of cold in your nose when you breath deeply, watching things (not to be confused with voyerism..can't spell..meh), toast, the first and last bite of pizza, random compliments from strangers, and the way that everyone is perfect in one moment (email me for explanation). those are just a everyone, write some stuff dammit. and jason, its so cool of you to openly admit your past immaturities and make a real effort. can't wait to see you in ten month (all of you for that matter..)!!. and jenna?? did you get my emails that i sent like a week ago? check in zairdae AND in jenna_renee. much love to all
Hmm... *climbs atop mountain.* *blinks... hand over eyes for sunlight shielding* *peer* Fuck.. yep, thems some troubled waters i see in the distance.. *peers other way* and my god! The Giant Gan of Antioch(tm) is getting 10,000 lbs of feces hurled at it! sweet baby jesus! Well then.. time to go into hiding *buries self, relizes he can't cover both his head and arms.. opts to cover arms.* *blinks* still fucked.. but not so much.

For those of you that missed the metaphore... well, go away, people as dumb as you need to be shot, or i need to be shot for writing it. Either way.

Oh yeah... nice things: big fatty comforter, sheet, and blanket all freshly washed. NICE! CLEAAAANNN SHEEETS!


Thursday, November 01, 2001

from jessica...

i COULD write a long ass response of the opinions so
openly expressed on here. however, as a result of my laziness and the
sickness thats killing me (probably anthrax...who knows?), ill say just one
short thing: i just LOVE how 'people' think im so low and shallow. do me a
favor...learn how/what my personality is like before making your little
assumptions. ok, now im going to cry, ly down on my bed, and die.

oh yeah, and jack, sorry for 'blankly staring' at you the other night.
Apart from laziness, sometimes my mind takes time to process what ppl say.

AKA: FattyMcasian Bunny, WangTangSilver, and SuperV
Wow, ok
I’m posting, and you fucks (we won’t mention names) who said this was a guys only thing…fuck you, I’m posting anyway. So yeah, go talk to jack (shuff now?) if you want me kicked off. (don’t disappoint me jack…please…)

First off, like to say, my ogoshi is sooooo much better than it used to be.
And yeah, my car getting towed (and now lost) was a drag,
and my mom being mad at me is so much worse.
But what upsets me most is that my fucking clay burnt.
Wow, I’m pissed. Someone will get beat for that.

And, for the first time since school started, I get to sleep in. I don’t have to go to school OR to work tomorrow. And nobody’s gonna be here, so yeah, I plan on spending it taking a lot of showers and being naked. (add those to my list of life’s simple pleasures. Others include bleeding, sleeping, and eating.)

Hm…I’d comment on Jessica and zac, but they know how I feel, and yeah, all you other fucks don’t need to know, you can all mind your own fucking business.

Oh yeah, and keep your damn money.
Vegitarian Burrito, two double decker tacos, and a fatty glass of Ginger-Ale. IMO (starting a list, of lifes simple pleasures as i experience them, i advice everyone do this, and shove it on Mr. Blog, so we can share in your happyness, and give it a try ourselves. )

Mmmm....... Guac.......
damn. I was just born into this harsh reality of beaming sunlight, the sunlight being my ignorance and arrogance. damn, its bright. But yeah, i just realized what a dumb fuck moron i've been being, and yeah those posts by sam and zac were pretty eye opening and mostly good(all of zacs was). but i've been doing some major brain thinking. like mondo'ness. i've been thinking a lot , which i hate thinking, but things arent going well right now, so maybe if i thought a lot i could birth a new idea, or come to realization on something. so hopefully my friends, you'll be seeing a huge change in my personality. but un-fortunately its probably not gonna be that easy for me to change my views, i cant just snap my fingers. It's almost like a newyears resolution like loosing weight, stop drinking, stop smoking, etc. its gonna take a lot and a long time to get passed this all, but yeah, im out.
chris you sux0rs nutz0rs. I wasnt gonna say anything mentioning your name, but you said something about who cares if zac hangs out with jessica or something. but on halloween night we were all together after leaving jessica and zac and we were talking and you were like "yah, he never hangs out with me anymore, it sucks"...*cough cough HYPOCRIT cough cough*, I just read all the posts made since last time I checked the blog (yesterday at school). What sam said really made sense though...youre the man sam. I know that all of you (as a group), with the exception of a few, really like to get involved in people's business and assume you know whats up. Why is it so hard to beleive that Jessica and I actually like eachother? I mean fuck, just trust my judgement or something. I was just thinking that this bitching was just jealosy coming from the people who arent lucky enough to have girlfriends, so they gotta bitch about something, but suprisingly I guess shuff still has a problem with it. Out of everyones oppinions right now, I'm really respecting his. You know why? He isen't just going off bitching about shit, not having any structure in his oppinion, he is actually coming up and talking to me about it. I havent been mad at him at all throughout all of this garbage...but I cant say that about everyone. If some of you are really so selfish as to only want me to hang out with you guys, and not my girlfriend..then...FUCK YOU! simple as that, I'm going to spend time with whomever I want, and right now i feel compelled to spend time with my new wonderful girlfriend. if you have a problem with it..then get over it. I know you've all liked people alot before, maybe you just werent fortunate enough to have a real affectionate relationship with them. When im hanging out with some of you, most the time its just stupid and people bitch constantly about things, and we can never find anything to do anyways. It kinda sets me in this bad mood, I dont enjoy it. However, when im hanging out with jessica, everything is perfect. Even if we are just sitting there, talking, holding hands, anything like that, its still great. So yeah, maybe I like hanging out with Jessica more than you...get over it. And Jason, in response to your post...Jessica never "found out" I liked judy alot, because I never did, so I dont know where youre coming from. It's a really good thing I've trashed the "bros before hoes" concept...I think its one of the stupidest things that high school kids say. Anyone who says that is just bitching because they cant get a girlfriend themselves, so they say "I can only hang out with my guy friends, so everyone else should be the same". Everyone, just grow up, stay out of my business. If you wont respect my wishes to hang out with my girlfriend, then it really shows how good of friends you really are to me. Thats about all I have to say, but I'm done bitching. Have a nice day, everyone...
Wow, dude everything is fucked up in people land. People we are supposed to be enjoying high school, but the truth of the matter is that we are behaving as if it was fucking junior high, eww look at that he is hanging out with blank more than us. Well get over it, it was going to happen anyways and i am happy that it did happen. Damn i moved here to be back with my friends, but all my friends are pissed of at each other, hmmmmmm.
Well then, every one just took off from first period forensics class. I tried, I asked, the bastards gave NOTHING! 0$! no change even! this blows my fucking mind.. jeeebus.
I feel compelled to put in my two cents. No rage was vented towards me for a change. That makes me happy for some odd reason. I would like to overal remove myself from any generalizations of anything that was said. I not feeling the same things jason is. And sam had some good points, but some stupid ones. But there is nothing to gain by continueing this. Let all of this stupidness stop and end here. Yes, we create conflict simply by interacting with each other.

Jason: I don't post these mondo-spew-posts because i talk to people individually, even if i say stupid shit that changes latter like "i hate you, jenna" (which i don't anymore, and havn't for like a week, and only did for like a week)

I enjoy having all of you as my friends and i wish i was closer with bryce, zac & jessica since i'm not that good of friends with zac anymore, and i never was really even friends with jessica.

But, my bus is ganna come any secound, so; Your all great, and i'm not sorry to have ever hung out with any of you, or sorry of being your friends or anything. I would rather take the friends and drama, then no friends.

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Yeah, i hate writting this kind of post, cause well, it sucks ass. But, the fact is that i just need to get it out. And no Ann, its not cause i dont have the balls to say it in person, its cause its late and i can't talk to anyone face to face, and its in my mind now, so here goes:

Item 1: Zac/Jessica- I refuse to try to fathom the mind of Zac and Jessica. Know why? cause im not them. It seems kind of strange to me that you guys would think that the only reason jessica is with him is for attention. I mean, sure thats a possibility, but Jessica is an attractive girl, and im sure could find petty attention other places. maybe she got jelous sure, but what REALLY disturbs me about all this is i seem to be the only one considering, maybe, just maybe, (sarcasm) that Zac and Jessica actually.. *gasp* like each other! MY GOD! could it be they enjoy each others company, feel strongly about each other, and find each other attractive? Whats that? a relationship that isn't based on some fucked up scandel? JESUS CHRIST IN A BIRCH BARK CANOE NO! (/sarcasm) I mean come on guys, Zac isn't dating you, let him spend his time with whomever he wants however he wants. Maybe Jason, he doesn't find your jokes funny? Maybe he only laughs at them when you're in private to make you feel better, and doesn't feel he needs to do that when hes around Jessica? Hmm.... couuuuuuuuld be? I know, given the opportunity id rather hang out with jenna AND friends then just friends. I mean, sometime friend time is cool, but I know i really like Jenna, im sure Zac really likes jessica, and i think we're sort of on the same wavelength. its called affection and passion boys and girls, learn it well. We like to be touched, we like to be held, we like to be kissed, we like to be romantic and sweet, and most of all, we like to know that the other person, (at least we think) feels the same way! Instead, hanging out with friends you cosntantly insult/insulted back, and while this is in jest, its defintly not a showing of (theres that word again) affection! But, yous guys is my homies, so i try to hang out with you guys too, and im sure Zac will soon also, but for christ sakes, instead of guilting him about hanging out with her more then you, fucking let him enjoy the feeling of being wanted. I mean, I know you've all had that friend at one point who thats all you wanted to hang out with. SAME THING! sept, one gets making out prilages, the other (with the exception of bw *kiss kiss*) dont. To sum this up. All else: back off, Zac/Jessica: wrap up.

Item 2. Me/Jenna. WHY DOES EVERYONE ASSUME WE'RE FUCKING? Am I a slut? Besides her distant past, what do you have ANY idea about Jenna's sex life? Do people assume Shuffy and Jennie are fucking? Or Mallory and Dom? Holy shit, everyone knows Dom is a player, and that they are constantly skipping school when no one is at their house, but fuck no, no one assumes that they are doing the horizontal-monkey-dance! In a word: Fuck ya'll, if indeed I fucked Jenna, wow i wish id known about it. Maybe i enjoyed it but the drugs erased my memory, but im pretty sure id remember having sex for the first time, m'kay? Subitem 1. As i understand it, at least Jason is worried about me getting weird because he hugs/holds Jenna when shes feeling sad and im not there. I can see it in Shuffys eyes when she hugs him and he looks at me. I DONT CARE! I am ... well, completly insecure about our relationship out of no fault of hers, but out of my own little problems i've had in the past with girls i've gotten to really like/love. But, the fact of the matter is that i trust you guys enogh to know you wont try to move in on my girlfriend (bryce=exception) so, you can hug her, hold her, whatever you/she needs, so long as its on a friendly basis. I know that if Jenny, or Jessica was crying and no one was around id hug them or hold them if they wanted me to, because its the right thing to do to try to make your friends feel better when they are sad. Same with guy friends, sept not hug or anything, but talk with and try to make feel better. Just a different responce to a more sensative type of person. So go for it, I'm greatfull to anyone that would help her out when she needs it.

Item three: Damn thats annoying: STOPIT! WHY DO YOU DO THIS! "Hmm... im just gonna post that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE has hurt me/pissed me off/stabbed me in the back/is moving in on my girl/worrying me/scaring me/ whatever the hell. but... thats all you get to know. period." Life is simple guys, if your gonna say part of something say the fucking rest of it. No sighs and chuckles because you know someone will ask you what then you can say "nothing" I try not to do this myself, but im especially bad at always asking "what?" And everyone, self included, has things about them people dont like. GET OVER IT! no one is perfect, everyone pisses everyone off at one time or another, dont let it end friendships or start feuds or anything, its stupid.

Item four: Sickness: Coos Bay, is a sickness. Being there is a lack of anything better to do, well, you make stuff. Without any drama from the outside you make yoru own drama on the inside! whee! fun! Meaning: You go off and hurt your own relationship, stab backs, tell lies or half truths, hate, breed rivalry, all because at least its exciting. JESUS! STOP! you're ruining the best years of your lives by doing this, right now you have the smallest (enjoyment of) freedom to responsability you'll ever have in your life. ENJOY THE FUCK OUT OF IT! but dont do this, by fucking with other people. That said: Waffles.

Ok.. think i spewed most of what i wanted to say... in conclusion, id like to point out any of the opinions on this post may or may not be correct, they are just opinions of the time, and are subject to change very quickly. Thank you and have a nice night.

Oh, IMO: Halloween sucked donkey. Jason already told it all, got shitty body high from smoking a clove to fast. Drag. Lates.
mmmk, a few revelations. shuff, you need to write me a long email and explain what the hell you're talking about. and jason, jessica didn't know anything about judy when she asked zac out. and you're the only one who writes bashing posts because you're the only who feels the need. but this leaves me to wonder, if you have such a problem with everyone, why don't you say it to their face rather then leaving them to read an email or post. it's like 'almost-balls'...moving on, y'all know pavlov's dogs and i'd just like to say that patriotism is the same thing. it's a conditioned response. we associate our personal well being with that of our country...why? why not the whole world? we're all too provicincial (having faith for our country only and it's citizens) to care about the massive earthquake that killed 20,000 people was? that's right, you don't fucking know. it was in turkey, but you don't care. and it sucks that msn isn't working because then i could have talked to you speedy..i had to BUY my own halloween candy, how sad is that?? i was sick after about two packages...ugh...anyway, much love to my homies...yo..
dammit, msn messenger isnt working
ow, this halloween night sucked so much ass. well actually it was damn cool compared to normal nights, but compared to what halloween is, it was mo gay. For all you peeps out there that didnt join me that night, heres how the story went. After Drivers Ed. I went outside NBHS to see Jack and Chris waiting for me. then 20 minutes later, matt showed up. We went to McKays and waited for Jenna/Sam and Jessica. Then we heard that Jenna's car had been impounded so we figured she wouldnt show and neither would sam, but then sam did show and so did jessica, so from there we all went to matts house. IT was mo gay and we just walked around to like 2 houses trick or treating. Then Matt had this hott date from Japan that he was gonna hook up with so we decided to leave( i hate doing this but 2 friends of mine told me not to censor myself), I wanted zac and Jessica to go with us but jessica wouldnt drive us anywhere(i dont know why) and zac wanted to once again ditch all of his friends just to be with her, how cute. so then we walked from matts to bryces(brandons) and said hello, then went to dutch bros. got some coffee, went to figaros , it was closed, so then we went to mckays, didnt buy anything, just got some anthrax gum, then went back to dutch bros, bugged the employee so he hooked us up with some free stickers. Then we went to DQ, chris got some fries and a burger, we walked to mingus, then we all went home. And now im sitting here, its 1030, and i have to do a mo fatty biography on Jim Morrison thats due tomorrow. So i plan on being up til oh i'd say midnight. yeah it sucks...back to hurting peoples feelings because im so depressed and it makes me feel so much better. Ok, heres some stuff that a lot o' people are thinking. The whole Zac and Jessica thing. This is how from a lof of peoples oppinion, including mine, it went. Ok, zac likes jessica a lot, she says she doesnt like him, and she doesnt(supposedly), so then zacs like, ok moving on. He kisses Judy, Jessica finds out zac likes judy a lot, all of a sudden jessica realizes how much she likes zac's attention, she knows she can get him, so she goes in for the kill. And thats that. I dont think zac realize that we all think this, but meh. also a lot of us are upset with zac because he has totally trashed the whole "bros be for hoes" idea. A lot of us have noticed lately that zacs life consists of 90% jessica, 9% porn, and 1% friends. That is a huge exaggeration, but oh well. But seriously, zac, were selfish bastards and we need attention too,*cry cry*..moving on to jessica..guess what jessica? yeah i know, im a horrible person who's goal in life is to be mean to other people and to hurt they're feelings, or as you say at least. But Jessica, theres many times that you've hurt my feelings oh so fucking bad. I ask you something and you give me this blank look and dont even reply, you just look around with this look on your face like "what a fucking moron"..yeah that hurts when you do that. Also, i'll say a joke and the same thing happens, or you just say that was stupid. yeah it hurts. i guess i dont realize it when i hurt people, and maybe you dont either jessica. also, back to zac. I see this almost complete change in your personality when your around jessica, your no fun, you dont laught at my jokes and you treat me like a moron. God forbid you laugh at something that jessica thinks is stupid.and i know that after this zac is just gonna go "jason you dont know what your talking about, shut the fuck up, back off, you have no idea." well maybe i reallky do have no idea, maybe im getting the wrong idea, but thats what i think and i said it. maybe it hurt, but its the truth. *side note* why is it always me writing the bashing emails/posts about other people and my views? its definetly not that no one else thinks this, is it that no one else has the balls? meh.
wow tonight really was dead the most exciting thing of the night was throwing eggs from afar at some parked cars. whoohoo, adrenline rush yea. But yeah i saw that fucking scariest thing ever a kid [eric?] in drag aghhhh dammit, spooky. Not that i am homophobic. Damn i hate not having candy. now i must go cry myself to sleep.
Damn you terrorist entity that destroyed my Halloween. it was so dead tonight, damn damn damn. But moving past that

Fuck Back Stabbin' Bitches, especialy the ones with "Rapid back-stab-o-action" they suck...they are the worst friends ever, but I still hang with them...Now I know why coffee houses always let you see them make your coffee...there was some whiny bitch complaing and the guy had to make new shit...I would have spit in that shit because I have no love for complainers. No love for much of anything right 'bout now really, but yeah, I'll talk to individual people later

I'm out
wow jason your mom said that cool. Tonight will be the night of the presidents im going as clinton in the 60's. So yeah i don't inhale. And shuff that sux but i already talked to you so no comment

yeah, I'm feeling ya shuff. I totally understand the whole when I say "yeah i understand," yeah i know"..i really dont. Anyways, hallows eve shall kick da major ass, I plan on cruisin wit sam and zac and chris and matt, were gonna go egging, then a bit of trick R treatin, Maybe some bag snatchin somewhere in between that. I dont know if we'll get caught or not, but if we do, meh. Years or months from now we'll look back and laugh. I've decided what to don on this festive night. I'm going with the good ol' Ronald Reagan. I borrowed one of those rubber presidential masks from a friend. The mask is Reagan. I think I'm gonna wear my misfits shirt with the skull and the mask. I kinda wanna get some non-permanent marker and draw a swastika on his forehead. But my mom advised me to "get ready to possibly have the shit kicked out of you by some patriotic hicks"(-straight quote), so yeah. I might not do it. Damn Osama Bin Laden for making our country newly renewed with partiotism, now i cant have my fun. Unless i want to die. Meh. I dunno, it shall be fun, and i promise you all on the blog that i shall post how the night turns out tomorrow or soon after. Im out
That was one hell of a downer post. a "shit load" of badness, if you will. IF those things are true, it would suck. But never in my experience have i found that when somebody thinks something really bad it going to happen, it happens, or is as bad as preiviously thought.
Well, hello Blog..again,

I don't know why I write on the blog in letter format...maybe I should head this with "An open letter to people in my life,". I don't know, but yeah, everything is Zen...I've recently figured out that when I say "I understand", "I see where you're coming from"...I really don't...I can wrap my mind around a fashion. Take Zen for instance...I "Understand" the theory...but I really don't. Hopefully Halloween Rocks, and I demand everyone on this blog make a "halloween fun time" post, otherwise "buh bye"

but moving past that, don't you hate those massive fatty realizations? I do...seriously..there have been faaar to many lately...they all need to go away and die. like for instance, the realization you will never be happy until you're on drugs..thats always a golden

I think a top 5 list of horrible thoughts that will come up and beat the shit out of you with rotting trout are

5. The girl I love doesn't like me (pretty generic, I know) (and no relation to current events)
4. Even with balls/spine, things (may) never work out...
3. Too much coffee isn't your friend
2. When your computer dies mid-important action, it sucks
1. The only way you will ever be happy is when you aren't yourself

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

I have now given jack shuff the power-o-administrator. This thing is totally going off of my original plan so, i'm not posting much anymore. Over all, i'm just "eh".

Monday, October 29, 2001

and a blatent follow up post: I'M NOT GAY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP CALLING ME BI! (GAY IS OK, BUT IT'S NOT MY BAG BABY) *dies from over emphatic speech and apple seeds*'s like the jason and chris show *sits down with a bowl of apple seeds-munch munch*
i agree with jack this bitching and complaining from the peanut gallery has go to stop, no more will i bash. Oh yeah i found a strange site about the clubbing of sick baby seals it was odd. But i cant remember the address oh well
Word up blog,

yeah, life is good, people are great, and you stupid bastid's need to stop bashing each other. Yeah it's all fun and games UNTIL SOMEONE LOSES A CD-R *gasp*, but yeah, stop it you've made the quality of the blog go *phbbbbtttt* *jacking off motion*

but past that, check the BAMF forums for all your information, yeah lesson #1: Frequent the information posting sites your friends frequent (ex. BAMF forums, Sam posts there), and yeah...that's what this blog was...originally an information dissemination device...but yeaaah. Life is good
This week is going to be cool because it is halloween and i going to get free candy and gorge my self to delirum.
yeah and the days to family values concert are ticking down tick tock

BTW CHRIS. No one, and I MEAN NO ONE, gives a flying fuck about Christopher Columbus. Just cuz he has the same first name as you doesnt mean hes cool. It makes him more gay. Also, anyone have that one file that if opened makes your comp go black and it says "IM LOOKING AT GAY PORN"?...chris, i know you actually are looking at gay porn. but im looking for the prank virus, not the real thing. thanks
Chris. Tis sad. Tis sad that you reply in such defense of your self esteem trip. Blah Blah Blah. The only people that this post pertain to is zac and chris. Cuz Chris is a stooopid beatch. and i wanna have his babies

Sunday, October 28, 2001

Well well well. I've decided to post more. While on the topic of bashing Chris, make a note to yourself chris. no one cares about what you say. ok, now that I've bashed someone elses self esteem, and replinished mine, I shall continue(twas a joke people) As my good ol' pal shuff would put it, "Everythings going fine in Jason-land." And it is, and its beautiful. For the first time in a long time, I'm on a better basis of joy and happiness, and the sadness has diminished greatly. Damn I'm happy right now. Though I envy almost all of you bastards for being in a wonderful relationship with someone. Although i am also aware that unfortunately within your relationships there are also issues. But I envy you for being so happy. It's looking as though Dan the Man's philosophy is starting to settle in "In the long run, everything eventually works out." or something like that. But then again who knows. Maybe some disgruntled muslim radicals will nuke us all in a few days. I hope its after the FIF concert though. Well my friends, I'm out.