Wednesday, October 31, 2001

ow, this halloween night sucked so much ass. well actually it was damn cool compared to normal nights, but compared to what halloween is, it was mo gay. For all you peeps out there that didnt join me that night, heres how the story went. After Drivers Ed. I went outside NBHS to see Jack and Chris waiting for me. then 20 minutes later, matt showed up. We went to McKays and waited for Jenna/Sam and Jessica. Then we heard that Jenna's car had been impounded so we figured she wouldnt show and neither would sam, but then sam did show and so did jessica, so from there we all went to matts house. IT was mo gay and we just walked around to like 2 houses trick or treating. Then Matt had this hott date from Japan that he was gonna hook up with so we decided to leave( i hate doing this but 2 friends of mine told me not to censor myself), I wanted zac and Jessica to go with us but jessica wouldnt drive us anywhere(i dont know why) and zac wanted to once again ditch all of his friends just to be with her, how cute. so then we walked from matts to bryces(brandons) and said hello, then went to dutch bros. got some coffee, went to figaros , it was closed, so then we went to mckays, didnt buy anything, just got some anthrax gum, then went back to dutch bros, bugged the employee so he hooked us up with some free stickers. Then we went to DQ, chris got some fries and a burger, we walked to mingus, then we all went home. And now im sitting here, its 1030, and i have to do a mo fatty biography on Jim Morrison thats due tomorrow. So i plan on being up til oh i'd say midnight. yeah it sucks...back to hurting peoples feelings because im so depressed and it makes me feel so much better. Ok, heres some stuff that a lot o' people are thinking. The whole Zac and Jessica thing. This is how from a lof of peoples oppinion, including mine, it went. Ok, zac likes jessica a lot, she says she doesnt like him, and she doesnt(supposedly), so then zacs like, ok moving on. He kisses Judy, Jessica finds out zac likes judy a lot, all of a sudden jessica realizes how much she likes zac's attention, she knows she can get him, so she goes in for the kill. And thats that. I dont think zac realize that we all think this, but meh. also a lot of us are upset with zac because he has totally trashed the whole "bros be for hoes" idea. A lot of us have noticed lately that zacs life consists of 90% jessica, 9% porn, and 1% friends. That is a huge exaggeration, but oh well. But seriously, zac, were selfish bastards and we need attention too,*cry cry*..moving on to jessica..guess what jessica? yeah i know, im a horrible person who's goal in life is to be mean to other people and to hurt they're feelings, or as you say at least. But Jessica, theres many times that you've hurt my feelings oh so fucking bad. I ask you something and you give me this blank look and dont even reply, you just look around with this look on your face like "what a fucking moron"..yeah that hurts when you do that. Also, i'll say a joke and the same thing happens, or you just say that was stupid. yeah it hurts. i guess i dont realize it when i hurt people, and maybe you dont either jessica. also, back to zac. I see this almost complete change in your personality when your around jessica, your no fun, you dont laught at my jokes and you treat me like a moron. God forbid you laugh at something that jessica thinks is stupid.and i know that after this zac is just gonna go "jason you dont know what your talking about, shut the fuck up, back off, you have no idea." well maybe i reallky do have no idea, maybe im getting the wrong idea, but thats what i think and i said it. maybe it hurt, but its the truth. *side note* why is it always me writing the bashing emails/posts about other people and my views? its definetly not that no one else thinks this, is it that no one else has the balls? meh.

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