Thursday, November 01, 2001

I feel compelled to put in my two cents. No rage was vented towards me for a change. That makes me happy for some odd reason. I would like to overal remove myself from any generalizations of anything that was said. I not feeling the same things jason is. And sam had some good points, but some stupid ones. But there is nothing to gain by continueing this. Let all of this stupidness stop and end here. Yes, we create conflict simply by interacting with each other.

Jason: I don't post these mondo-spew-posts because i talk to people individually, even if i say stupid shit that changes latter like "i hate you, jenna" (which i don't anymore, and havn't for like a week, and only did for like a week)

I enjoy having all of you as my friends and i wish i was closer with bryce, zac & jessica since i'm not that good of friends with zac anymore, and i never was really even friends with jessica.

But, my bus is ganna come any secound, so; Your all great, and i'm not sorry to have ever hung out with any of you, or sorry of being your friends or anything. I would rather take the friends and drama, then no friends.

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