Thursday, November 01, 2001

Wow, ok
I’m posting, and you fucks (we won’t mention names) who said this was a guys only thing…fuck you, I’m posting anyway. So yeah, go talk to jack (shuff now?) if you want me kicked off. (don’t disappoint me jack…please…)

First off, like to say, my ogoshi is sooooo much better than it used to be.
And yeah, my car getting towed (and now lost) was a drag,
and my mom being mad at me is so much worse.
But what upsets me most is that my fucking clay burnt.
Wow, I’m pissed. Someone will get beat for that.

And, for the first time since school started, I get to sleep in. I don’t have to go to school OR to work tomorrow. And nobody’s gonna be here, so yeah, I plan on spending it taking a lot of showers and being naked. (add those to my list of life’s simple pleasures. Others include bleeding, sleeping, and eating.)

Hm…I’d comment on Jessica and zac, but they know how I feel, and yeah, all you other fucks don’t need to know, you can all mind your own fucking business.

Oh yeah, and keep your damn money.

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