Wednesday, October 31, 2001

mmmk, a few revelations. shuff, you need to write me a long email and explain what the hell you're talking about. and jason, jessica didn't know anything about judy when she asked zac out. and you're the only one who writes bashing posts because you're the only who feels the need. but this leaves me to wonder, if you have such a problem with everyone, why don't you say it to their face rather then leaving them to read an email or post. it's like 'almost-balls'...moving on, y'all know pavlov's dogs and i'd just like to say that patriotism is the same thing. it's a conditioned response. we associate our personal well being with that of our country...why? why not the whole world? we're all too provicincial (having faith for our country only and it's citizens) to care about the massive earthquake that killed 20,000 people was? that's right, you don't fucking know. it was in turkey, but you don't care. and it sucks that msn isn't working because then i could have talked to you speedy..i had to BUY my own halloween candy, how sad is that?? i was sick after about two packages...ugh...anyway, much love to my homies...yo..

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