Wednesday, October 31, 2001

yeah, I'm feeling ya shuff. I totally understand the whole when I say "yeah i understand," yeah i know"..i really dont. Anyways, hallows eve shall kick da major ass, I plan on cruisin wit sam and zac and chris and matt, were gonna go egging, then a bit of trick R treatin, Maybe some bag snatchin somewhere in between that. I dont know if we'll get caught or not, but if we do, meh. Years or months from now we'll look back and laugh. I've decided what to don on this festive night. I'm going with the good ol' Ronald Reagan. I borrowed one of those rubber presidential masks from a friend. The mask is Reagan. I think I'm gonna wear my misfits shirt with the skull and the mask. I kinda wanna get some non-permanent marker and draw a swastika on his forehead. But my mom advised me to "get ready to possibly have the shit kicked out of you by some patriotic hicks"(-straight quote), so yeah. I might not do it. Damn Osama Bin Laden for making our country newly renewed with partiotism, now i cant have my fun. Unless i want to die. Meh. I dunno, it shall be fun, and i promise you all on the blog that i shall post how the night turns out tomorrow or soon after. Im out

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