Saturday, November 03, 2001

Well, if no one else is gonna reply to Ann's post, i might as well. (High fidelity kicked big ass, Jack Black is the man IMO)

Things I love:
1. Listening to a song 5 times in a row and it still giving you chills.
2. Last bite of a double quarter pouder w/cheese.
3. Driving around with your friends, having no purpose.
4. Drugs.
5. Drugs, just thought it was important to list it twice.
6. Epiphanys
7. Vegi-food
8. When I sit down to write a story, and it just all comes out in a rush, and before you notice it, you've written something powerfull.
9. This might seem kind of weird: Trying to guess what people think of you.
10. Keeping your illusions.
11. Destroying your illusions.
12. Food thats better reheated the next day.
13. The sweaty ache in your body aftter an intense physical activity (Im talking sports/mosh pits you sick monkeys)
14. Bad movies with Clark.
15. Waking up before everyone, still dark, and sitting on the couch drinking coffee wrapped in a blanket, watching the sun rise (yeah im a pussy get over it)}
16. Not being involved.
17. Good hugs.
18. Da Wang
19. Dancing to Sublime
20. Drugs.

I'm just gonna stop at 20 and write some more later.

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