Thursday, November 01, 2001

damn. I was just born into this harsh reality of beaming sunlight, the sunlight being my ignorance and arrogance. damn, its bright. But yeah, i just realized what a dumb fuck moron i've been being, and yeah those posts by sam and zac were pretty eye opening and mostly good(all of zacs was). but i've been doing some major brain thinking. like mondo'ness. i've been thinking a lot , which i hate thinking, but things arent going well right now, so maybe if i thought a lot i could birth a new idea, or come to realization on something. so hopefully my friends, you'll be seeing a huge change in my personality. but un-fortunately its probably not gonna be that easy for me to change my views, i cant just snap my fingers. It's almost like a newyears resolution like loosing weight, stop drinking, stop smoking, etc. its gonna take a lot and a long time to get passed this all, but yeah, im out.

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