Saturday, September 15, 2001

I'm sorry for the lack of maintenance and posts by me, but i've been busy with school, friends, etc. I might start posting more on this because i may have more free time again. That is all.
Heres an update for all of you informed people. If you don't have a clue what this means, then ignor it.

well, as it stands, i'm going to wait until monday for her to talk to me, and if she doesn't i'm ganna talk to her, and confront her on it, and probably end the relationship

Thursday, September 13, 2001

what is this orgy thing?
if anybody wants to join the orgy, see me

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Whoa, some tragic stuff going on...wonder if this will turn up into a war? probably not, just the Bin Ladar er whatever striking again.

Monday, September 10, 2001

I'm thinking about making a website devoted to homework. As sad as it may seem, ive thought of starting a blog or any other site, where people can get various Essay topics, book reviews, and things like that. Mainly focusing for English class. I figured meh, ive got this stuff on floppys, and im sure it would be of great use to some person who had 3 page report due the next day. And also, maybe i can benefit out of this also, like if i get this chain of homework swapping people. ok, im out