Saturday, August 25, 2001

This is a really cool Flash cartoon. Evil Karma Guys, i'm not really sure what they are, but i think Sam would like this.
Uh, i'm not wuite sure what this is supposed to be. Its a song of some type, with some scarry bunnies and things. I think its in a differnt lanuage, french maybe? Anyway, check it out.
Doesn't everybody want to know what their pirate name is or should be? Well mine is Iron Jack Kidd according to this little quiz. The desciption of me is:

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Hey, look, yet another evil corporation. It's coming right for us! *Blam!* Wait, they cut our internet for something we didn't do, damn it! (yes, i know that made little or no sence) This lady and her boyfriend were cut off from the net because her ISP thought she uploaded some copywrited stuff.
Look! It's Windows RG ! ! ! This is ganna be the best version of Windows yet! Yay!
Wow, i don't know that much about DSL, but this sounds like it would work. Be your won DSL ISP. Read this and e-mail me if it works.

Friday, August 24, 2001

This is kinda old news now, but for those of you who missed it, Microsoft President Steve Ballmer is really enjoying running around looking like a monkey on crack with his tail on fire and smiling about just having hurled feces at some people at the zoo.
Damn, dominic should like this.
I would not mind winning that damn powerball shit. If there was a top ten world's greatest scams, i bet lotterys would make the top three and organized religion would be up there also.
Well, everybody is STILL pissed at me, but i'm in an alot better mood because of jenna. Damn, i still feel hella bad about shit i did.
If i had twenty four hundred thousand dollors to spend on a house, This is what i would spend it on. And if you only have three million i'd get this. How i hate the flamboyently wealthy, i could use their money much better then they could.

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Going over to jack's house was pretty cool. To ask questions e-mail me.
If a guy cutting off his own testicle isn't the best example of some dumbshit just trying to get attention i don't know what is. Damn this guy is stupid, he needs to be castarted before he can spread the "stupid" gene.

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Stupidity Related Hate

Who says that we need a reason to mark something a "hate" symbol? The Anti-Defamation League are being retarded and think that number and letters are hate symbols. I would link to those but i'm to damn lazy.
Some kung fu guys... i think...


This begins to destirb you after a while.
This is my first post. I'm still trying to figure this damn thing out.