Wednesday, April 21, 2010

*America Reborn - Give us Liberty!*

*Sager for Congress Website ^

* | April 15, 2010 | Jason Sager

Posted on *Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:28:47 PM* by *Sager4Congress*

*Lakeland, FL, April 15, 2010* — Jason Sager, republican candidate for
United States Representative from Florida's Congressional District 5
delivered these remarks to the Lakeland TEA Party:

/“Last spring our Department of Homeland Security created a sign for
people like us; ‘DANGER! Right-Wing Extremist.’ However, they left
out one very important word….PROUD!

“I would like to thank them for that because this year I am able to
stand before you with a new sign, ‘SAGER for CONGRESS.’

“‘I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me
liberty, or give me death!’ These words were proclaimed from a
church pulpit in the great state of Virginia in March of 1775 by a
23 year old man named Patrick Henry.

“‘Give me liberty or give me death!’ those words encompassed the
spirit that was sweeping the land that helped birth the greatest
nation in the history of man.

“What happened? For the past 10 years I have traveled throughout the
colonies and have been witness to a new spirit amongst our people.
We have now updated that phrase to say, give me liberty, but if the
government takes it away there is nothing that I can do about it.

“Who is to blame for this? We are! Just as we have learned in the
Good Book that we are made in His image, we must accept the fact
that our civil government is made in ours. The more we stray from
self government that is in accordance with Natural Law, we must
govern ourselves with the laws of man. Those laws have one purpose:
to restrain us in order that we not harm ourselves because we have
refused to do it on our own.

“Too many people throughout our land have given up and think there
is nothing we can do about it. Fortunately though, we still have
examples of the original spirit in this country and we might be
sitting next to one right now.

“Our Veterans. These men and women took an oath to uphold and defend
our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic so help
them God. They swore to give their life upholding that oath and many
have. When asked to do the same in Congress many of our
representatives can only cower in the corner.

“John Jay, one of our founding fathers and our first Supreme Court
Chief Justice, stated that our Constitution is only meant for a
moral and religious people. He knew that if we could not govern our
own affairs, then we could not expect our Constitution to be enough
to keep us from peril as a society.

“Thomas Jefferson once stated that, ‘Only a well informed people can
be trusted with their government. When things get so far wrong as to
attract their notice, they may be relied upon to set them to rights.’

“I don’t know about you but by looking out upon this crowd of
patriots today I would have to assume that things have gotten so far
wrong and you are now ready to set them to rights!

“In just one years time You have armed yourselves with knowledge and
are once again clamoring to be free of the chains that oppress you.

“You have shaken off the blinders of the political parties that have
driven our country into darkness. You are now able to see the most
pressing issue that plagues our nation and our society.

“What do you think that issue is?

“We are witnessing the fundamental breakdown of the republican form
of government that we are guaranteed in Article IV Section 4 of our

“We can no longer sit back and watch our congress and our president
fundamentally transform our nation.

“We can no longer accept the political spin and pandering from our
failed Republican and Democrat representatives just so they can
further their political careers.

“Our leadership failed us and we are now suffering the consequences.

“We must recognize and accept that simple Truth before we can move
on to the next step.

“The most common question I get on the campaign trail is ‘What can
we do about it?’

“James Madison, the author of our Constitution, was asked this very
question in the convention of 1787.

“Mr. Madison, we have invested all the law making power in the
Congress. What will the people of this nation do if Congress itself
oversteps it’s authority?

“He said there is only thing the people of this Republic can do and
that is to elect more faithful representatives and annul the actions
of those who were less faithful.

“We can no longer accept the choice given to us by our political
parties and ignore the primary elections. This has led to the same
result every single time. We are forced to make a decision to elect
someone who is simply the ‘lesser of two evils’ knowing full well
that the lesser is still evil. Now I am not talking about evil in
the biblical sense. I am talking about those who continually
rationalize their behavior as they ignore the truth and our law.

“How many of you think that our congress has adhered to the rules
that we placed before them in our Constitution?

“I stand before you today, as just a man. A proud American man with
a four year old son that I refuse to toss into the chains that our
generation is forging for him.

“I stand before you today as a republican. I am not a republican
because of my party affiliation on my voter ID card. I am a
republican because I promote the principles of our great Republic as
defined in the greatest document every conceived by man….our

“I am a republican because I believe that we are a union of free and
independent states with an unalienable right to govern ourselves.

“I am a republican because I understand that that federal
government’s power is limited to the confines of the Constitution of
the United States and does not possess unlimited power under the
general welfare clause as this analysis known as the ‘Annotated
Constitution’ would suggest. An analysis that was given to me as a
gift from my representative when I questioned with boldness if she
believed her powers were limited to only those enumerated in Article
I Section 8 of our Constitution.

“I am a republican because I understand that our Constitution is a
contract between the states. The federal government was just the
result of that contract. Our form of government is NOT a national
government and it only exists at the consent of the governed and not
the other way around.

“They work for us!

“Oh, and as a republican I believe that is not only unconstitutional
but it is immoral to rob from my neighbors by participating in the
process of earmarking on legislation.

“Our people have a new sense of mission and purpose this year. We
are now uniting around an idea and not a mascot. We have proven once
again that if we stand united on principle then others will join us.
If we build it, they will come

“The time of waiting for a leader to rise from within our parties is
now over. They have failed us and are doing nothing to attract our
support. We have followed the elephant and the donkey into the abyss.

“The time has come that We the People of this nation stand up once
again to lead and that is exactly what we are all doing right now.

“We must let it be known that we are not interested in some big tent
of support. Big tents are designed to cover a circus and that is
exactly what we are tired of.

“RINOs belong in zoos…not aimlessly wondering the halls of OUR
capitol building.

“History is calling upon us again. Over the next coming months our
voices will be heard and I need you to help spread the message. I
can not do this alone. We need your help anyway we can get it. There
are 10s of thousands of dollars flowing into my district right now
in order to protect the status quo in our nation’s capitol.

“You alone can not stop that, but together we have a chance and I
promise you that I will do my part to deliver your message.

“That message is simple, ‘We are less than one year away from
fundamentally REFOUNDING America!’

“We will not go quietly into the night!

“We will not accept the excuses any longer!

“Thomas Jefferson said, ’The people have two enemies; criminals and
government. Let us bind the second with the chains of the
Constitution so that it does not become the legalized version of the
first. ‘ The time has come…that We the People take a stand, unite
and be the links in that chain once again. Today, I am proud to
announce our latest endeavor. You now have an opportunity to show
everyone in our nation that you are ready and want to be a part of
the solution. We need you to help us build the chain by sponsoring a
link. Our volunteers at the Liberty Tent have all the details for
you. I will then carry this chain to Washington for you and have
your name proudly displayed on a plaque that I will submit to the
American History Museum at the Smithsonian with your name on it to
let every one who visits see that central Florida took a stand in
2010 to re-lock the Jeffersonian chains around our Federal government.

“So from this point on when we are asked from those not in our great
sovereign state of Florida, ‘What are you doing about it?’;

“Your response should be ‘We know not what course others in our
nation will take, but as for WE the People Florida, give us liberty
or give us death!’ ”/

Remarks as prepared for the Lakeland, Florida TEA Party, April 15, 2010.