Friday, November 09, 2001

yeah Jack, I feel ya...I would say other stuff. but fuck that..we'll talk sooner or later and yeah, imout
Dammit Jason, Goatse'ing and GAY PORN'ing people just isn't cool...its funny as shit...but yeah not right to do to people.

Moving along, if you didn't want to piss me off, you wouldn't have said that. I deleted it because I'm a ragin cocksucker, and I AM LOOKING AT GAY PORN! *cough* you shoulda been like "wow, that sucks, damn" instead of some bitching thing...yep. I deleted it because I was in a bad mood, peace love dope. In the future do it again, and we'll see. I won't act so rashly.

Yeah, about your post, I could see no differentiation between "What the Religious people think" and "what YOU think" so I assumed it was your personal viewpoint..and at the time it pissed me off excessivly. Yeah, it pretty much doesn't matter what you meant, it only matters how others take it (hence the point of communication) You don't say the same things to us as you do other friends of yours...and stemming from that (following the Logical Law of Detachment), communication is how we take it, not what you meant

Peace out goddammit
anyways, im done being my bastard self. Does anyone have or know where to get that one virus where it says "I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORN" On your screen? I want it, so i can send it to people...aight im out
Wow, people suck big fat dick at taking things too seriously. For all you people out there that read my supposed "mo' fatty post" and were offended by it, need to cool your jets. I wasn't being demeaning in any way, and didn't mean anything like "people who don't pursue religion are ignorant." I wasn't saying that as my personal stand point, I was saying thats what the Religious people say. And those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Jack deleted it because he took offense to it. Damn, this is gonna suck if all of our shit gets deleted just because one person takes offense to it. Maybe this should be called the "Only say what Jack wants to hear-blog"...and we should all censor ourselves

Thursday, November 08, 2001

today was the first snow of the season and it wasn't even real snow, just a white tint on the ground. it's only november 9th for god's sake!! i have get up 10 minutes earlier so i have time to put on my coat, hat, gloves, and extra socks. GOD DAMNIT...snow is cool when you only deal with it for a week, not months...rawww...
For those of you who know(or care) the reason for me leaving and/or not getting along with my dad. How i always got caught was through one of my"friend" doug. Also the money issue which zac and jason know about also played a key rule. But this is over and ii will get my revege on Doug

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

*eargerly awaits enlightenment* and just saying yo to all you sick childeren out there. i feel for you man....
I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm feeling the makings of a mo' fatty post on the blog. All mental and deep. I really wanna type it out, but im too lazy. So the least I could do is say this. I guess this is an ad, or a pre-view. But it will come soon. Don't listen to me, this is all fake.
hey, im sick sucks. i miss you guys too. hey i wish jenna would come online, then i would have someone to talk to maybe...this is so damn boring. i was gonna come to school this morning...i got up and got ready and everything, then i vomited so i was like "damn...i dont wanna go". i guess its pretty good cause i still feel all dizzy and sedated and stuff. i went to the doctor and they stuck this long q tip in my mouth and rubbed it against the back of my throat....i guess theyre gonna find out what i have, and then perscribe me some penicillin if i need it. so...have fun at school everyone, talk to you all later
I almost forgot..this morning i coughed up this mucus stuff from my throat and it was all bloody (cause of my sore throat). it looked pretty cool...i should have taken a picture
wow, i hate being sick
i miss you guys *cry*
and i was all excited because i got to sleep in today
but when i woke up i realized it was nine thirty :(
i can't sleep in late, that sucks...

well, have fun in networking...:P

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Higher Consciousness through facilitated diffusion of information. Thats what the Blog is all about, we spread our shit around so others can understand it, and vice-versa. We trade our viewpoints in the hope that, once someone understands, they won't hurt us as much. Everyone likes knowing what the hell is going on, its why we spread the BS around so much. Everyone thinks they know everything because if they didn't...well then...we wouldn't feel loved. Just remember chlidren..facilitated Diffusion

Monday, November 05, 2001

hangover? why would I have one of those? me drank 2 nights ago, not last night. hows yearbook going? have fun...
do you have a hangover sac? i almost missed the bus waiting for your bitch ass this morning. you sand nigger whore.
hey everyone...i'm not at school either, zac is home sick. Unlike Jessica, I dont have streapt throat or anything, I just have a headache and feel like I'm gonna vomit (again). It's not so bad though...I just woke up and now I'm hanging out watching TV. Talk to you all later...maybe I'll be at school tomorrow, I'm not sure. Bye bye
Oh yeah, and dont worry Jessica, you never gave me your anthrax :P
hey everybody as you can guess im not at school, because i went to a jane's addiction concert last night. It was an awesome concert the band was cool and there were cool dancers. And we had good tickets 4 rows back. hell yeah
happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...i can now see an R movie by myself in the states..wurd..and we need more things i love lists dammit

Sunday, November 04, 2001

... They say men live lives of quiet desperation ...

I for one, am tired of being quiet.
Hey World

Have you ever decided to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut? It's my lifelong dream, everytime you forward this email I will get one more cell of bone marrow for my legs. Once I get a complete leg I could take a gimping gay pirate flying fuck at a rolling donut. Please help me I'm a homeless child with no legs, and a donut...and a dream godammit

yeah, I don't know...that is quite possibility the coolest thing ever...I just can imagine some guy running at a donut and tackling it...heh heh heh...thats somehting to do. Jump out of the trunk of a cadillac Seville and take a flying fuck at a rolling odnut. I think I should start writing forward would great

I want two legs dammit
lets take a break from all of this stupid drama bullshit. and all of this shit that takes a lot of thinking. we need more sensless posts on now you all shall be mesmerized by my poetic talent.

Lets get together and Jack off into Mr.Mulkeys face.
Afterwards we should cut his head off.
And enter it into a race.
Then we can make a baby, and name him Ishmail.
And send his penis through the mail.
They'll think its anthrax(hi mr. big brother, im not serious)
And they'll poo their panty.
We'll send it to Tom Brokaw, and he'll say "aaahh, its Santey"
Santey CLause that is.
And all will remember that I I I, I'm not your fucking stepping stone.
Stop jacking off on my face, and leave me alone
You cock sucking whores need to like a fat blunt, sit back and let it burn.
Put life on hold and pass it to me, cuz it's my turn.
Don't trust me because I'm full of lust.
Dont fuck with me, because when were done, you'll be a pile of dust.
So bitch, back the fuck off.
And let me just be alone, and jack off.

.....that was supposed to be a joke...but some of that became real...yeeeah
Cool post, Sam. It might not be what I want to do with my life or anything, but I respect your oppinions. For awhile I was like "yeah...i should wait till marriage to have sex..." then i'm just like "dude...thats too long away, screw this, i dont care", so thats where I stand now. I'm just waiting for the right person though...Bye Bye everyone, talk to you all later...
in response to sams post-*cry cry*
Mallory- Yeah, point taken and advice also take.

So, now then, bummer about the whole in your face Jason, peppers sucks my ass. Seriously, I try to keep it away but it laches on and just sucks and sucks. Its like a reverse enema. Stupid people that suck my ass... damnit.. I hate it when people wont leave my ass alone.

Wow, what a weekend! They say that part of being a teenager is knowing how to cut loose, and there's nothing quite like getting together with a big group of your peers and just "letting it rip." That teen-abstinence rally totally rocked!

We'd been looking forward to the rally for weeks, so when the big day finally arrived, we could scarcely contain ourselves. Chaperoned by our Christian Outreach adult supervisor, me and a bunch of my pals drove all the way down to Hendersonville in the Coos Bay Youth Ministry van. (A two-hour drive! We sang songs the whole way!) People came from all over the mid-state area, so you can imagine how pumped everyone was to get the rally started. And when Pastor Bob finally stepped to that podium and yelled, "Is everybody here excited about JEEEEEEEEEEE-SUS?" the place went totally nuts!

Some kids like to "party" and use "peer pressure" to get you to "do it." (Nobody's ever asked me to party with them, but if anyone ever did, I could see myself being tempted to go along.) Sure, it may sound like fun, but I've learned that sex is really just a "roadblock to holiness." There's only one real way to have a good time: Jesus! I realize that some teens may not consider praising God and resisting your body's sinful urges to be all that "rad," but boy, oh, boy, are they wrong!

After Pastor Bob got the crowd all revved up, he introduced the guest speaker. And guess who it was? Deborah White, Miss Teen Coos County! Can you believe it? Wow, she sure was pretty. A girl like that could really make you want to glorify the Lord within the confines of the holy matrimonial bed, if you know what I'm saying!

Deborah said that even though she, like everybody else, sometimes feels evil, demon-planted desires deep within her loins, she was keeping herself pure and waiting for marriage, the way God intended. Just looking at her, I thought to myself, "I can't wait to someday enjoy the special feeling that comes when a man and a woman decide to do God's work and have a baby!" She told us that if we were patient and waited until child-conceiving age before learning anything about sex, that would make it so much more special! Isn't that rad?

Everywhere today's teenagers turn, they're bombarded with sexually explicit material. Television channels like HBO show R-rated movies without even bleeping out the dirty words. Public libraries openly stock books like Wifey by Judy Blume. Such magazines as Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar contain underwear ads featuring models in nothing more than their underwear!

Not surprisingly, like a lot of teens out there, I was confused about my body and the plans the Lord had for it. I was having strange new feelings as I went through changes I didn't understand. I thought the MTV videos and the bikini girls on beer commercials were "cool," and I'd often think, "Gee, I wish I were like those older fellas who 'hang out' at the roller rink and press their bodies against girls when they dance." Well, no more! The rally's organizer, Extreme Teen Ministries, Inc., made it clear that girls who "put out" and boys with "Roman" hands are most definitely not cool. Whether they know it or not, they're doing Satan's work on Earth. But, thanks to Jesus' love, Satan is totally history, dude! He's outta here!

What a rockin' rally! After Miss Teen Coos County spoke, we all went to the Hendersonville Civic Arena for a concert by Creatorz Handz, this totally awesome heavy-metal band! There were cool explosions, just like on WCW Nitro, only these were in the service of Christ! Then, after the band was done, a bunch of local teens performed a cool skit! Some of the teens were angels and some devils, and they fought over the souls of two tempted teens who were almost going to kiss. Man, was the crowd roaring when the angels finally won! Yeah!

Then, just when we thought the fun was over, we all had pizza and pop! Me and my Coos BayYouth Ministry pals stayed out to 10 p.m. and didn't even get home until after midnight! See? You don't need to touch another person's body—or your own—to have a rockin' good time!

I used to harbor sin in my heart, staying up late trying to watch the scrambled channels on our family's cable TV. But now I know that the desperate urges that grip my immortal soul's mortal vessel, causing me to think about Jenna Tison for hours on end while I'm supposed to be studying, are nothing to heed right now. The Lord put those feelings in me for a very beautiful reason: so that one day, when I'm 18, I can fall in love, get married, and—hot-diggety!—immediately impregnate my wife! Then, nine months after my 18th birthday, I can experience the joy of bringing into the world a child who will one day grow up to be part of a whole new generation of Christ-loving abstinent teens, to continue His divine work here in Coos Bay.

Let's get ready to rock, people! Jesus is in the house, and He is way awesome!
Ok, now it's Jasons turn to fucking rage. I'm going to fucking rage more rage that has ever been raged in the history of this fucking universe. I'm gonna fucking rage to hell and back again. I'm so fucking pissed that I'm gonna fucking fuck fuck. I'm not gonna rage because of someones oppinion, I'm not going to rage because someones talking shit behind my back, I'm not gonna rage because I feel obligated to, I'm not gonna rage only because I need to find something to rage about, but im gonna FUCKING RAGE! why? you might ask? why? because the one thing i had going for me has fallen fucking eyebrow is migrating and i have to take it out!!!!!!!!!!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK....oh well...that was a $75 dollar waste. I'll just get zac to pierce it again for me in a little while. damn i hate peppers. ..moving along, I wanna just make one note to mal-.....actually, fuck that...hey me or out.
This is what Mallory has to say:

once there was an opnion, now im all up in it

wow, i wish i could post this on the blog, but no one lets me, and my opinion doesnt really matter to them anyways. Well, here i go:

you guys all type this big ass emails full of hatred, but all sugar coated, so the main point is still left to be found, but oh well, here goes.

Jason: wow, quit being an asshole. you go through these happy/asshole/happy/asshole mood swings, it fucking sucks, knock it off. Pull away from the sad world you've created and see the people that are surrounding you. They all care about you and your well-being, but you are too busy looking for reasons to be depressed.

BW- glad things are finally working out for you, or so you say. though i have noticed that you seem to be missing being involved in everyone's problems. dont. be glad that you dont have to put up with all the teen drama bullshit.

Sam- its nice of you to openly express your opinions about people, but if its not true, then shut your fucking mouth. you cant control anyone else but yourself. "realized the love dot' you love you....yea, thats it, get over it" but on a better note, your a pretty good friend to have around cause you are always there to lend your advice an opinions, no matter how odd they may be.

Zac- good for you...concerning everything. yea, dont listen to what other people are saying about you, it'll only corrupot the good. And it is good to take a break from your friends to spend time with jessica or whom ever, they'll get over it, and if they dont, fuck 'em, you dont need 'friends' like that.

shuff- im glad that you are happy. just make sure that you dont get yourself into anything you'll regret. And make sure that you dont get led on and arent leading yourself on...2 very bad things that no one deserves, especially not you.
also, make sure that when you are being sarcastic that people know about it, cause lots of people dont get your sense of humor and are easily offended by it.

Bryce- life sucks, then you die...get over it. we all go through shit. you just feel better in making your public. but let the record show that if you arent doing anything to ameliorate your problems, then its your fault.

Jenna- your a lucky person, you have a lot of things going for you, just make sure that you know what you want before you leave what you had.

Jessica- good for you for bitching at people. needed to be done. no one's opinion should ruin what you have. especially since what you have is a good thing. and one last thought though, STOP BICHING ABOUT JENNA, if you have a problem with her, then tell her, dont just bitch about it, it wont solve anything.

Ann- thanks

Well, thats what i'll end with. no one need reply back, cause after all, im just a stupid bitch who doesnt know anything about anything but i figured i'd share my thoughts with some, but just mainly me.

For a minute before i relized they were song lyrics I thought Jason was one of them starving hiding poet people. Well, it appears hes not starving, hiding or a poet, oh well. Oh yeah, by the way, only the unprepared get hangovers. But yeah, wine and champaign make worse hangovers then just hard alchohol or even cheap shitty pale ale beer. Not that i've ever drank before. Ever.
Whoever invented hangovers needs to die. I'm sitting here awake at 9 mother fucking 40. I have to go drive my mom home from the hospital. me need sleepy. meh...with that aside; Man versus himself. Man versus machine. Man versus the world. mankind versus me. The struggles go on, the wisdom I lack, the burdens keep piling up on my back. So hard to breathe, to take the next step. The mountains is high, I wait in the depths. Yearning for grace, and hoping for peace. Dear God... increase.
following anns post...things i like

1)someone going out of their way to talk to me
3) jacking off
5) BLOFJOBS...(its just one of those things that you know is good even though youve never had it)
7)being drunk.(im drunk)
7) zacs head is in my lap and he cant get up...there he goes. ...we had 2 bottles of champagne a pievce . ...were platstered
middle of the night, so silently. i kreep on over to malorys mortuary. cuz i can do what i want and they wont complain.I life up the casket and i fiddle with the dead, they're blue flesh makes me turn red. I wanna fuck, i wanna fuck the dead. and i dont even care how she died, but i like it better if she smells of formaldehyde. they dont scream and they dont moan, they wont even cry if i shot them in the head. i wanna fuck, i wanna fuck the dead. now that aside, i must say that the concert was mad coo..and im drunk right now, so if im stupid, or spelling errors must be thrown away...ok..the concert started off iwth ace troublshooter, they were cool.. after them was john reuben, who sucked mad ass..this white rapper who shouted "blah blah blah" and started crying when the crowd wouldnt respond. anyways. yeah..after him was relient K who were mad coo..then five iron frenzy who were the bestest, as they always are...well im oout now, so laters everyone. zac and i are of the uptmost drunkness...and btw...whatever didi wants, shes gonna get it.:)