Wednesday, November 07, 2001

hey, im sick sucks. i miss you guys too. hey i wish jenna would come online, then i would have someone to talk to maybe...this is so damn boring. i was gonna come to school this morning...i got up and got ready and everything, then i vomited so i was like "damn...i dont wanna go". i guess its pretty good cause i still feel all dizzy and sedated and stuff. i went to the doctor and they stuck this long q tip in my mouth and rubbed it against the back of my throat....i guess theyre gonna find out what i have, and then perscribe me some penicillin if i need it. so...have fun at school everyone, talk to you all later
I almost forgot..this morning i coughed up this mucus stuff from my throat and it was all bloody (cause of my sore throat). it looked pretty cool...i should have taken a picture

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