Friday, September 07, 2001

Ok, first week of school over, not the first full week, but it still deserves celebration. If anyone knows where the GLUTTN concert is or when it starts, call me or post on here..k im out
damn this is hard to type. I went and worked out with Mike for a bit, did some bicep type work, shoulders, then ran for abuot amile..I get home pick up the phone to call in that I got home ssafely (damn overprotective parents!)..and its only by concerted effort of will that it stays next to my head. And he says that Friday will be even worse...damn

Wednesday, September 05, 2001

Well we're back in school now, break out the party supplies.
Well, i know i'm ganna be too damn busy to post anything except for maybe something cool that happenes at school... not that anything does, but it might. I hope some other people post, but i don't think that they will, oh well.

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

HEY! Turns out crosswinds will work, maybe, this is the last test. Tell me if these don't work.

Fuck! I hate crosswinds! Anyway, i love loop-holes. Go here to see the links.
Zero Tolerance (note to you HTML newbies, you need to have text for links)

I couldn't have said it better. Zero Tolerance is fucking evil...I rest my case
I hope im not getting post happy, but i wanted to add some stuff. As some of you may know, Zac and I are starting a punk rock band named "Scrapegoat." We have been looking for a drummer, and were gonna have a friend drum for us for a bit til we could find a replacement cuz he already was in a band. Well, worry no more, we have found our drummer, and where you might ask from? The most un-thinkable of places...Rome,, He's in Jessica Tangs foreign exchange student link crew, she introduced us, and he seemed cool, so hes probably gonna be our drummer. It's funny, because if any of you remember "Yanni" as we called him, he was a foreign exchange student from the netherlands i think, but he drummed in a band while here last year. And seeing him in concert let me say he was damn good. Maybe these foreign type have talent unknown to the mainland, lol.
Ok, i'll make my guessing some people on this blog team hate me...but oh well..I'll go off of Jacks post a little. Today sorta blew, and we just sat around. And if tomorrow sucks, then that means the rest of the semester will suck ass. I hope i dont get any any fights this, .."get the fuck beat out of me" cuz im a pussy. Me being a "punk" now. Those dumb hicks like targeting us, but i have my big fat mexican friend to help me. I just thought i'd post all this bullshit. But from now on i plan on posting real news, or shit that you would actually care about.
My final post for now: First day of school was damn boring, and i'm not looking forward to tomorrow because thats the REAL first day.
D A M N I T ! ! ! ! ! I thought was ganna work, but now it won't let me upload shit, and won't let you remotely link pictures! This is really pissing me off. If somebody wants to fuck with making a website so we can post pictures, be my guest! Anyway, Jason is joining the blog now, (no bitching from the peanut gallery)
Damn, is pissing me off, and so is! They both suck ass. Anyway, i have a webserver up now, and i was going to put the blog on that, but it doesn't want to work, so fuck them!

Sunday, September 02, 2001

The Moo returns! Yea, the All British Field Meet was cool, if you like cars, and can talk about them constently for two days. Land Rovers are my favorite type of car, but after seeming then non-stop for two damn days, it gets old! I seemed to have missed a coupld of things i REALLY wish i had been here for, but whatever. If anybody want to become a member of The Omniscient People, then just ask me, i am the only administrator (meaning the only one who can screw with other peoples posts)