Saturday, October 13, 2001

Sorry to say i have one more thing to say that fits kind of what the country is going through:

As the country nears its formidable end, our global experience of universal proportions, predicted by many greats, will arrive at our solar system, to our system of a down. Authoritarian oppression, family abuse, depression caused by conformity and economic devastation will be neutralized by technological terrorism in times of complete chaos. Control will never again be gained for toleration will become extinct. A husband quarreling with his wife will not think twice or regret his spent bullet. Hungary children will not spare the grocer. Remorse in all forms will be removed from human thoughts and actions. Freedom will only be available through revolution or death. This system of a down is unavoidable, as life on this planet becomes unnecessary. The hand has five fingers, capable and powerful, with the ability to destroy as well as create. We have the power to stop and reverse the tides time by making our awareness of abuse known to the powers of industry and their uncouth political arms. Only by raising this awareness and promoting personal peace within today's self-defeatist society, can we allow the planet a chance to avoid self-destruction! OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR MOUTHS, CLOSE YOUR HANDS AND MAKE A FIST.
-system of a down

Well now im leaving for the day later.
You know what sucks not going to homecoming, i mean damn all my friends are going and im not because i thought that it was next week (me so stupid), but oh well i like sitting in my desolate room with no lights nad no music. Well im out for today
*copies exact same thing sam said, and makes my name the author* wow Jack, I like hate you, seriously. I cant hate you cuz your one of my best friends, but your going down the road to hateville. I cant comprehend how stupid you can get. Seriously, I need to bitch you out really bad. im out

Ok Bdub, time for you to crawl into the fucking "sam no trust you no more" oven. What part of "no one is susposed to read this, and no one is susposed to know what we were talking about last night" mean to you? Holy crap, are you not even capable of being trustworthy? Any bond in trust we had is gone now, get some fucking help you big mouthed ass.

IMO- meh, im over it
this post is to every member of this particular blog with a penis. your 'group', this collection of people you call your friends hence forth is going to be aptly named "THE LOCUSTS". you descend upon random people (girls or guys, but mostly girls) who take the time to get to know you (the collective or singular you), to care and you fuck them over with selfish delusions. in spite of all this you are all still my friends and i am most happy to know you and my life is better for it *said without a trace of sarcasm because it's true*. just realize what you've done and will continue to do. thank you
This is my debut as a blogger
Hey dudes this is my first post Jack BW set me up. So im just saying hi.

Friday, October 12, 2001

Well, what i mean by "i don't care" is "i don't let it affect me" And, yes, i understand that this is a stupid assumption that people understand what i mean. I have been telling people that this is what i mean.

And here is something eles interesting addressing What WoMan Want.
Well damn everybody, and yeah...REMEMBER TO CAP YOUR FUCKING HTML CODE! *cough* Sam *cough*, you should edit the post, so the whole damn page isn't in bold. but yeah...the only place I know I'm going for sure guessed get a cup of coffee. Beyond that, I don't know. but yeah, the game last night was, to say the least, interesting...on that note. Does anyone know how to get to the Hall that homecoming is being held at? (its not at school...hmm..maybe I should be more organized....meh)

But yeah, life is good, people are passable, lets all get..more coffee

Thursday, October 11, 2001

Grr.. where the hell is that soap box.. *rummage rummage* AH HA! *mount*

Ok then, i've given this alot of thought, and i've finally decided that, well, thought does JS (Jack shit, Jack Shuff, draw your own conclusion) We, me included, are the most fucked up bunch of individuals on the face of the fucking planet. We can't seem to be happy with the way things are when they are good. We move in on other people's signifigant others, no matter how innocent it may seem to anyone. We should really just back the hell off, but thats a completly different rant. Im caling for all the people who read this blog, you good smart people who are my friends, compatriats: STOP ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

stop being subtle, stop being sly, stop whining, stop making big deals of small shit, stop making big deals out of small shit, stop making big deals out of small shit, smile once and a fucking while... oh, and stop making big deals out of small shit

Now, im in the same boat you all are on, im not trying to say im better, cause i've got my own, but heres some Mass advice

Jack BW: you arrogant cock sucker, Your feeling and air of superiourity has pissed off more people then just about anyone (jessie smizik is an exception, and you no smizik)_and you say "i dont care" well fuck, i know you do, so fucking change!!! ive told you this a million times and you say you are trying, no trying, just fucking change!!!!!
Shuffy: My good friend, you above all others in our liitle group o' fun have the least problems: my only advice for you? stay on the same track your on, your going great places me thinks>
Dom: ahem.. Dom, learn to be ok single, sex= Mo' good, but, remember, to quote, well, you "meh"
Bryce: ahem... YOU DONT NEED A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! hehe, seriously though, id give you the same advice as Dom, back off, quit flirting with everyone, and just be happy.
Jenna: we discussed this :P
Jason: Word
Zac: relize the love-square you are involved in "you love jessica, jessica loves JP, JP loves weed, weed loves you"
Ann: come back damnit.
Kirk: word
Jordan- Dance team is the devil, IMO
Nichole- word
Kris- more peircings, more peircings

And as general advice, avoid Maranda, shes the devil.

LIke i said, this is just advice take it or leave it, but hey, at least its something, but i mean it about the dont sweat the small shit... ITS NOT IMPORTANT!

On that note: Waffles
*feels strangely confused* eh? do i wanna know? and jenna, PLEASE write me!
fuck you bw.

(continuation from last night)
...I love being me...
you know the candy 'rolo'? they have them here in denmark except they're called 'yankee bar' and it's like a rolo log!! mmmmmm, so good. the only reason i tell you this is because i'm eating one right now (and getting ever-closer to being morbidly obese *bows*). i was listening to dandy warhols-bohemian like you when i got smacked down by the authrities...i live with a crazy host family and they have many many animals (like 15 cats and 4 dogs). there are 3 little dogs, and i hate them so much i hope they die a horribly slow death by suffocating on their own feces which they leave in front of my door EVERYDAY. i slipped on a pile of shit yesterday and almost fell into it, enough said. love from denmark....

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

If your wondering, this is the new website for Yeti (my dad's car conversition thingy) Its pretty generic, but it works, and gets across the point.
just wanna let you all know, i love you guys

thanks for being there

hey ann, what were you playing?

please, would you all forgive me for all the shit i've done in the past...i know it doesn't help, but i'm really sorry...

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

mmmmk, here's how ann dealt with the man when they busted me. see, i ride a bus to school every morning (and evening for that matter) and i can't get a year long bus pass yet so i have to buy little punch cards. in order to save money, i say i'm 15 so i can get a cheaper fare. today on the way to school (about 10 minutes ago) this nazi-bus-regulater (not nearly as cool as warren g...) descends upon the bus like a plague of vicious locusts and is checking everyone's bus pass, etc. so to make a long story short, i get nailed with a 500kr bus fine for lying about my age. goddamn, but that's only like 62$. i dealt with it in such a manner that all of you would be proud of me *grins* i just sat there telling him i don't speak danish and humming along to my discman and basically said 'i don't care, leave me alone'. *cheers from the crowd*. anyway, i gotta go to class now. later...
... being as how my naziesque parents have cut me off from the outside world, id appreciate some e-mails.. Sorry to come on here just to plead, but as i said before, this is an illegal act, and i could be busted at any moment, so i want to keep this short and sweet. Thank you, and god bless america....'s cruisade against the innocent bystandards in afghanistan.. Or not.
*crys out before the sleep gestapo drags him away* I'm sorry, I can explain I can explain!

You see, I take a while to wake up, and it would take just as long if I woke up at 6 or 5:20. So I just do that, and shamble around "worship" my god, have a nice cup of coffee, listen to my music, and chill.

*is dragged off for unspeakable fed squirrel feces until you explode*
nothing to post about, I would just like to point out something i noticed. on Jack's strange leg pain post, i saw that he had posted that at 5:55 a.m., for waking up this early, and voluntarily, you should die
I know we have all heard this song, i just really like it, and it has some very applicable lyrics...

Linkin Park

Graffiti decorations
Underneath a sky of dust
A constant wave of tension
On top of broken trust
The lessons that you taught me
I learn were never true
Now I find myself in question
They point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
You point the finger at me again

Paper bags and angry voices
Under a sky of dust
Another wave of tension
Has more than filled me up
All my talk of taking action
These words were never true
Now I find myself in question
They point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
You point the finger at me again

I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind

Gonna run away...

Well... we all gotta go sometime.
Well, continuing with the daily posting thing (now that I have a functional computer) I'd just like to talk about something incredibly left leg

I was going to bed last night, I don't know if it was a dream or I was awake, but there was this terrible pain right in my left sucked soo bad. so I'm sitting there twitching around because there's nothing to do to make it better, and finally it goes away...back to sleep...right? yes, but now..this morning I'm gimping around like Long John Silver, without the inherant coolness of being a gay pirate, so yeah, I'm crippled...adn get over it

Monday, October 08, 2001

wow shuff, YOU'RE on the verge of insanity. it ALMOST says something...and hey kids, download this song our lady peace-'are you sad'? its the shiznit and it says sooo much *returns nudge to bw*, also download jj72-'snow'. i tell you guys to download these pimp songs for a reason and ya'll know that you're on the net nearly every waking hour any ways, so it's not that much of a hassle to an active role in your own enlightenment. as for SAM'S adventure, that's the funniest thing ever!! i woulda' been like 'BITCH, i pity the foo who can't get action in mommy's basment!' who the hell gets it on in mingus?!? and how come nobody liked my was kew, whereas most of yours were gey. and again, the subliminal message is brought to you from yours truly. much love, i'm out

Sunday, October 07, 2001

jack shuffs computer sucks balls, so here is his 'rapz' for y'all...
Here's my hard rapz...set down to some phat beetz...1 2, 12, 84, hut hut Hike, Go cram your dick in a dike, you know you wanna, plug that bitch like some dirty whore, which she is but hey, that ditch is dirty biatch, livin' in a hut, inside pizza slut...

lez shizzle my izzle to the fatty mc' dizzle, and have myself a fucking cheeseburger, my jowls drapping down to ma' fucking knees, wolf howls at the moon, pressed ham against the glass. Watch that fat massa mc'bitch tits rape your mom. Pay Hom-age to the man, smoke the pipe, breath the smell, eat the sound. Look all around your fucking wasted.

Fucking wasted, in the garbage can, like a used condom...your Dad's so bald, when he wears a turtleneck he looks like a broken condom. I'm so fucking mad, mad at the world. I ain't the happy man, I don't got jack for you..All I got fo' you is the back of ma' hand,


Benediction, Nostradamus, running up to your house, blowing up on us like the devil just lost his violin...You were glowing, like a fucking alien, glowing so green it was orwellian...I lost my green card, can I borrow yours? 1982 two years before your double speak. gonna fuck with you..big brother staring down my back, Yo' Motha' eating a Cream Danish, I had a dream, oops, my don't fucking care..
well there it is
Here is some very cool music by some guy who goes by Kryptonic. This is really good, even if it doesn't have any words... Some of these have alot to say *elbow ann*
*is brutally insulted by ann* ouch.. ok then, ill keep my posts short. Oh, and ill stop with the haiku-goodness, no matter how much it pains me.

Yeah, I had sort of an adventure.. James Bryce Jenna and me were cruisin around and we pull into mingus park parking lot right next to this nice blue BMW. We look over, and this chick is giving a guy head in the front seat. Now, we had been feeling kind of mean lately, so we stayed there, right next to the car. The chick looked up, looked at us for a second then went back to going down on the guy. We still waited. Eventually they got sick of it and went for a walk in the park. That in itself wasn't so much the adventure as we were around behind a little building when these two cop cars roll up on either side of us. Apparently, Mr. BJ had called the cops, telling them that we were in the process of demolishing the building. One cop desperatly searched for a reason to bust us, while the other just seemed like he would rather be asleep. Even though he flipped out on me when i reached inside my button up shirt, wondering if i had a gun. Didn't even bitch about Jenna not being old enough to drive with us, luckaly the asshole cop wasn't the one that saw the licence. Note: the part that makes this an adventure? My cancer-buddys had smokes on them, luckaly they didn't ask us to empty our pockets, can you say MIP? I knew you could.
well i will make a comment about the bombings, this is a direct quote from some cable news, "The U.S. has started bombing afghanistan, and tomorrow they will start dropping food for those made refugees from the bombings." no more needs to be said about that. And shuff, who did you find to go to homecoming with? and what all freshmans were involved in this conversation? also, i bet you enjoyed having my discman the whole time. comment about the bombings. this site should be politcal-content free. yes, shuff, you're REALLY lame. you think all minor dealings with people and being able to say risque things makes you the 'mack-daddy'. it's like a person who doesn't read very many books, so they think every book they read is the best thing ever and they tell everyone about it. so until something really COOL happens, shut your PIE-HOLE/flapping gob. any real adventures? and yes, the words in caps are an integral part of my subliminal-message-mind-controlled-ann's minion army-thingy (i made up that code name myself, aren't i clover?). i think i'm just going to ignore my mim problems because it's easiest. and for the love of god, no more crappy haiku poems...only cool ones like this one:
send me some letters
you lazy pieces of shit
or i'll kill you, sucka...
Hey everyone, Jack is back and boooy does he have stories of his adventures for you.

Hey Sam, remember that "gentlemans" challenge you gave to me concerning corrupting freshman? Well, yeah I don't think you are ever going to be able to beat this one (there's not enough freshman left to corrupt in Forensics) we are chilling on the bus, and these 4 freshman are all just chillin', eventually the topic goes to sex/other realted things, and I bring up the Shocka', explain that, someone brings up fisting, explain that too, finaally to top it all off I was able to ask the question "Whats wrong with going down on a girl?"...and NOT get slapped (yeah ann, I know, I'm a loser...get over it), so yeah I'm pretty proud of myself

PLUS, I found a date to Homecoming, and yeah, it's pretty cool, but I can see a crossroads in my future..but yeah on to Ann's problems

Yeah, the only thing you can do, is be calm, Mom's very odd here to, I think she explained her problem to Dad, and he told her to "be like Pat", and not really ask, thats my impression (they went on a business trip together, three days). Yeah, you can't force anyone to be your friend, this chick has only known you for...what, 3 monthes? thats not much, so just still be her friend, (unless she's the devil..), and see how it works out. Good job sticking it out.

Good day all