Thursday, October 11, 2001

you know the candy 'rolo'? they have them here in denmark except they're called 'yankee bar' and it's like a rolo log!! mmmmmm, so good. the only reason i tell you this is because i'm eating one right now (and getting ever-closer to being morbidly obese *bows*). i was listening to dandy warhols-bohemian like you when i got smacked down by the authrities...i live with a crazy host family and they have many many animals (like 15 cats and 4 dogs). there are 3 little dogs, and i hate them so much i hope they die a horribly slow death by suffocating on their own feces which they leave in front of my door EVERYDAY. i slipped on a pile of shit yesterday and almost fell into it, enough said. love from denmark....

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