Monday, October 08, 2001

wow shuff, YOU'RE on the verge of insanity. it ALMOST says something...and hey kids, download this song our lady peace-'are you sad'? its the shiznit and it says sooo much *returns nudge to bw*, also download jj72-'snow'. i tell you guys to download these pimp songs for a reason and ya'll know that you're on the net nearly every waking hour any ways, so it's not that much of a hassle to an active role in your own enlightenment. as for SAM'S adventure, that's the funniest thing ever!! i woulda' been like 'BITCH, i pity the foo who can't get action in mommy's basment!' who the hell gets it on in mingus?!? and how come nobody liked my was kew, whereas most of yours were gey. and again, the subliminal message is brought to you from yours truly. much love, i'm out

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