Thursday, October 11, 2001

Grr.. where the hell is that soap box.. *rummage rummage* AH HA! *mount*

Ok then, i've given this alot of thought, and i've finally decided that, well, thought does JS (Jack shit, Jack Shuff, draw your own conclusion) We, me included, are the most fucked up bunch of individuals on the face of the fucking planet. We can't seem to be happy with the way things are when they are good. We move in on other people's signifigant others, no matter how innocent it may seem to anyone. We should really just back the hell off, but thats a completly different rant. Im caling for all the people who read this blog, you good smart people who are my friends, compatriats: STOP ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

stop being subtle, stop being sly, stop whining, stop making big deals of small shit, stop making big deals out of small shit, stop making big deals out of small shit, smile once and a fucking while... oh, and stop making big deals out of small shit

Now, im in the same boat you all are on, im not trying to say im better, cause i've got my own, but heres some Mass advice

Jack BW: you arrogant cock sucker, Your feeling and air of superiourity has pissed off more people then just about anyone (jessie smizik is an exception, and you no smizik)_and you say "i dont care" well fuck, i know you do, so fucking change!!! ive told you this a million times and you say you are trying, no trying, just fucking change!!!!!
Shuffy: My good friend, you above all others in our liitle group o' fun have the least problems: my only advice for you? stay on the same track your on, your going great places me thinks>
Dom: ahem.. Dom, learn to be ok single, sex= Mo' good, but, remember, to quote, well, you "meh"
Bryce: ahem... YOU DONT NEED A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! hehe, seriously though, id give you the same advice as Dom, back off, quit flirting with everyone, and just be happy.
Jenna: we discussed this :P
Jason: Word
Zac: relize the love-square you are involved in "you love jessica, jessica loves JP, JP loves weed, weed loves you"
Ann: come back damnit.
Kirk: word
Jordan- Dance team is the devil, IMO
Nichole- word
Kris- more peircings, more peircings

And as general advice, avoid Maranda, shes the devil.

LIke i said, this is just advice take it or leave it, but hey, at least its something, but i mean it about the dont sweat the small shit... ITS NOT IMPORTANT!

On that note: Waffles

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