Saturday, October 13, 2001

Sorry to say i have one more thing to say that fits kind of what the country is going through:

As the country nears its formidable end, our global experience of universal proportions, predicted by many greats, will arrive at our solar system, to our system of a down. Authoritarian oppression, family abuse, depression caused by conformity and economic devastation will be neutralized by technological terrorism in times of complete chaos. Control will never again be gained for toleration will become extinct. A husband quarreling with his wife will not think twice or regret his spent bullet. Hungary children will not spare the grocer. Remorse in all forms will be removed from human thoughts and actions. Freedom will only be available through revolution or death. This system of a down is unavoidable, as life on this planet becomes unnecessary. The hand has five fingers, capable and powerful, with the ability to destroy as well as create. We have the power to stop and reverse the tides time by making our awareness of abuse known to the powers of industry and their uncouth political arms. Only by raising this awareness and promoting personal peace within today's self-defeatist society, can we allow the planet a chance to avoid self-destruction! OPEN YOUR EYES, OPEN YOUR MOUTHS, CLOSE YOUR HANDS AND MAKE A FIST.
-system of a down

Well now im leaving for the day later.

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