Thursday, November 15, 2001

'ello everyone. To my standards, I haven't posted in a while, so I figured I should before I left. down of current events, Wednesday night I went out with Matt to the beach. We pulled off on the road past sunset bay and stuff, and we had a flashlight and we went down this scary ass trail for like half a mile. But then we came to this open field type thing with a cliff dropping to the ocean. We sat there at 9 o'clock watching the knarly ass waves crash into the huge fucking cliff . yeah, it was fun...then on the way back we decided to throw shit at all the wandering methpire'rs on the street as we drove by. We didnt strike any luck with pedestrians, but we saw a truck with a confederate flag on it. We dont like confederate flags, so therefore we sped up to it, and chucked pencils(yes pencils, hey, its all we could find to throw in the car) along with a fatty old nasty ass dairy queen hamburger at their truck. then we went about 90 down sherman to get away. It was pretty shweet. And now I'm leaving for Portland to go do some debatin'. Shuff, Chris and Sac are comin to. I know you wont miss me...but out

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

hey everyone...
not doing too good, i got dumped earlier by jessica. oh well, ill get over it. sorry if i was a dick to any of you by not hanging out with you as much as you wanted or whatever...i just really liked her and wanted to spend time with her. well, im done apologizing, im just gonna go pity myself some more and do alot of thinking. thanks for always being there, everyone...
hello all, man it sux being sick sitting here with frickn strep throat die zac die see ya all tomarrow

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

I was sitting at dinner, having one of my family's "normal" round-the-table conversations when the topic turned to "the finger." You know the bird, the middle finger, AKA "fuck you!" in sigh language. So, i was wondering what the origin of "flippin the bird" was. I ran across this niffty ass site explaining the history behind it and other middle finger related info. This is what the Internet was MADE for...
For my friends who waste time posting on this blog here is Blogbuddy, to save you a little time when you want to post.
Hey Chris, hows about you cool your jets. In what way whatsoever was i acting irresponsible? um...none. Hmm, you say you prefer someone apologizing to you? I seem, as im sure others who were there, to remember you walking back up and me saying "Chris I'm real sorry," then you quickly responded "fuck you jason," and walked off. hmm, you took that apology real well. And i never sent zac to apologize,...he said he was gonna go hang out with jessica, and i said "if you see chris, tell him to come up here so i can talk to him"...and if he did anything besides that, i didnt tell him to. So instead of bitching your ass off in-directly to the person, grow a fucking spine and walk up to me and talk to me. I'm not saying what i did was justified. I felt so fucking bad for it you dont even know. It was a complete accident, and i take full responsibility for it, I meant to give you a little nudge in the side..but you picked your fries up at that moment, and it intercepted me. So shit went everywhere. My bad, i've already said I'm sorry. I didnt mean to do it. And for all your gossip mongers who dont know what the fuck happened, then don't care, its not your place to know anyways. So chris, even though i hate using this gay ass blog to go through ways of communication, since you've already posted, im replying to it. And i am sorry to the fullest extent. Also, I feel the need to apologize to Shuff too. Although it seems strage, It looked like you needed it also, somehow it looked like i also offended you, so im sorry. But maybe for all those other "friends" of mine out there, this was a good thing, it give them one more reason to bitch about me and hate me, so have your fun.
Fuck jason take responsibility for your actions. And the fact you want retaliation is bull shit. I am not a violent person by nature i never get into fights or retaliate out of anger. Though this may seem like a weakness, it is not i perfer that the person would come up to me and apoligize. Not send a friend to do it for you
A band i am starting to like and as soon as i have my Hard Drive back in a working computer again i plan on downloading all the shit they have on iMesh. Sixth Year Senior is the band and my favorite so far is Closure.
Well, if you havn't already been to this pimp ass site, you need to be shot. The Spark has a bunch of funny as hell quizes and stuff. Take a look at the Stinky Meat Project too.

Monday, November 12, 2001

*ahem* no comments about those little insights least you're honest ;)
Hey guys...proof that I have no life. Recently I've been writing lots of haikus, first about hicks, and now about masturbation. Heres some about hicks...

Imbreeding passions,
We all smell like sour milk,
I'm proudly white trash

My sexy mullet,
Redneck of the trailerpark,
Chewing terbacca

Billy Ray Cyrus,
Playing always in our truck,
Get me some more beer

Thats all...but heres some about masturbation...

I'm pulling the pud,
Nights are always fun,
I need new pornos

Fun malnutrition,
Throbbs like a sledgehammer,
It's my submission

Feels lots like chicken,
But I can not go pee pee,
Bed sheets with semen

It's always much fun,
And sometimes girls do it too,
Not as much as me

Porno is my life,
Sometimes it's not very good,
But I still jack off

Thats all, hope you all liked them :)

Well the results from the Re-re-re-Count is in. Remember how people were saying Gore should have won the presidentship? Well, geuss not.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

Well, here is a little interesting thing i found. The History of GPS should be worth a quick read.
Okay, thats it, i'm back!