Thursday, November 15, 2001

'ello everyone. To my standards, I haven't posted in a while, so I figured I should before I left. down of current events, Wednesday night I went out with Matt to the beach. We pulled off on the road past sunset bay and stuff, and we had a flashlight and we went down this scary ass trail for like half a mile. But then we came to this open field type thing with a cliff dropping to the ocean. We sat there at 9 o'clock watching the knarly ass waves crash into the huge fucking cliff . yeah, it was fun...then on the way back we decided to throw shit at all the wandering methpire'rs on the street as we drove by. We didnt strike any luck with pedestrians, but we saw a truck with a confederate flag on it. We dont like confederate flags, so therefore we sped up to it, and chucked pencils(yes pencils, hey, its all we could find to throw in the car) along with a fatty old nasty ass dairy queen hamburger at their truck. then we went about 90 down sherman to get away. It was pretty shweet. And now I'm leaving for Portland to go do some debatin'. Shuff, Chris and Sac are comin to. I know you wont miss me...but out

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