Wednesday, November 28, 2001

*looks around and smells the overwhelming stench of stagnation..* we need a conversational topic for everyone

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

oh, yea, this is of little importance to all of you, but i changed my e-mail address. I still check all of mine, but this is my new preferred and i will change my MSN as soon as i can figure out what's fucked up with trillian.
My E-mail Addresses
- (preferred)
- (MSN e-mail)
Wow, this demostraits that people on the net have NO LIVES!!! The "Poor Man;s Star Wars" is a totally ASCII version of the first starwars. Run Telnet and goto or type telnet:// into the address box of Internet Explorer. I didn't watch all of it, but from what i did watch, its is damn well done.

Monday, November 26, 2001

as most of you know. me and zacs band is having a concert this saturday...NORTH BEND COMMUNITY CENTER, 7PM - 11PM..3 $ AT THE DOOR..BE THERE OR BE A FAGGOT. this is gonna be awesome you guys, we might suck, but the 3 other bands wont...please come out and show your support..laterz

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Wow, this is quite possibly the coolest site i have ever been to. Not because it has the most pimp shit (but it does have some cool stuff) and not because i'm probably going to change my e-mail address to there, but because they are totally into people submiting stuff to them. More then anything eles, they want you to send them stuff. Just go here and check it out.