Sunday, October 07, 2001

*is brutally insulted by ann* ouch.. ok then, ill keep my posts short. Oh, and ill stop with the haiku-goodness, no matter how much it pains me.

Yeah, I had sort of an adventure.. James Bryce Jenna and me were cruisin around and we pull into mingus park parking lot right next to this nice blue BMW. We look over, and this chick is giving a guy head in the front seat. Now, we had been feeling kind of mean lately, so we stayed there, right next to the car. The chick looked up, looked at us for a second then went back to going down on the guy. We still waited. Eventually they got sick of it and went for a walk in the park. That in itself wasn't so much the adventure as we were around behind a little building when these two cop cars roll up on either side of us. Apparently, Mr. BJ had called the cops, telling them that we were in the process of demolishing the building. One cop desperatly searched for a reason to bust us, while the other just seemed like he would rather be asleep. Even though he flipped out on me when i reached inside my button up shirt, wondering if i had a gun. Didn't even bitch about Jenna not being old enough to drive with us, luckaly the asshole cop wasn't the one that saw the licence. Note: the part that makes this an adventure? My cancer-buddys had smokes on them, luckaly they didn't ask us to empty our pockets, can you say MIP? I knew you could.

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