Sunday, October 07, 2001

jack shuffs computer sucks balls, so here is his 'rapz' for y'all...
Here's my hard rapz...set down to some phat beetz...1 2, 12, 84, hut hut Hike, Go cram your dick in a dike, you know you wanna, plug that bitch like some dirty whore, which she is but hey, that ditch is dirty biatch, livin' in a hut, inside pizza slut...

lez shizzle my izzle to the fatty mc' dizzle, and have myself a fucking cheeseburger, my jowls drapping down to ma' fucking knees, wolf howls at the moon, pressed ham against the glass. Watch that fat massa mc'bitch tits rape your mom. Pay Hom-age to the man, smoke the pipe, breath the smell, eat the sound. Look all around your fucking wasted.

Fucking wasted, in the garbage can, like a used condom...your Dad's so bald, when he wears a turtleneck he looks like a broken condom. I'm so fucking mad, mad at the world. I ain't the happy man, I don't got jack for you..All I got fo' you is the back of ma' hand,


Benediction, Nostradamus, running up to your house, blowing up on us like the devil just lost his violin...You were glowing, like a fucking alien, glowing so green it was orwellian...I lost my green card, can I borrow yours? 1982 two years before your double speak. gonna fuck with you..big brother staring down my back, Yo' Motha' eating a Cream Danish, I had a dream, oops, my don't fucking care..
well there it is

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