Tuesday, October 09, 2001

mmmmk, here's how ann dealt with the man when they busted me. see, i ride a bus to school every morning (and evening for that matter) and i can't get a year long bus pass yet so i have to buy little punch cards. in order to save money, i say i'm 15 so i can get a cheaper fare. today on the way to school (about 10 minutes ago) this nazi-bus-regulater (not nearly as cool as warren g...) descends upon the bus like a plague of vicious locusts and is checking everyone's bus pass, etc. so to make a long story short, i get nailed with a 500kr bus fine for lying about my age. goddamn, but that's only like 62$. i dealt with it in such a manner that all of you would be proud of me *grins* i just sat there telling him i don't speak danish and humming along to my discman and basically said 'i don't care, leave me alone'. *cheers from the crowd*. anyway, i gotta go to class now. later...

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