Sunday, October 07, 2001

Hey everyone, Jack is back and boooy does he have stories of his adventures for you.

Hey Sam, remember that "gentlemans" challenge you gave to me concerning corrupting freshman? Well, yeah I don't think you are ever going to be able to beat this one (there's not enough freshman left to corrupt in Forensics) we are chilling on the bus, and these 4 freshman are all just chillin', eventually the topic goes to sex/other realted things, and I bring up the Shocka', explain that, someone brings up fisting, explain that too, finaally to top it all off I was able to ask the question "Whats wrong with going down on a girl?"...and NOT get slapped (yeah ann, I know, I'm a loser...get over it), so yeah I'm pretty proud of myself

PLUS, I found a date to Homecoming, and yeah, it's pretty cool, but I can see a crossroads in my future..but yeah on to Ann's problems

Yeah, the only thing you can do, is be calm, Mom's very odd here to, I think she explained her problem to Dad, and he told her to "be like Pat", and not really ask, thats my impression (they went on a business trip together, three days). Yeah, you can't force anyone to be your friend, this chick has only known you for...what, 3 monthes? thats not much, so just still be her friend, (unless she's the devil..), and see how it works out. Good job sticking it out.

Good day all

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