Sunday, October 07, 2001 comment about the bombings. this site should be politcal-content free. yes, shuff, you're REALLY lame. you think all minor dealings with people and being able to say risque things makes you the 'mack-daddy'. it's like a person who doesn't read very many books, so they think every book they read is the best thing ever and they tell everyone about it. so until something really COOL happens, shut your PIE-HOLE/flapping gob. any real adventures? and yes, the words in caps are an integral part of my subliminal-message-mind-controlled-ann's minion army-thingy (i made up that code name myself, aren't i clover?). i think i'm just going to ignore my mim problems because it's easiest. and for the love of god, no more crappy haiku poems...only cool ones like this one:
send me some letters
you lazy pieces of shit
or i'll kill you, sucka...

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