Sunday, November 04, 2001

This is what Mallory has to say:

once there was an opnion, now im all up in it

wow, i wish i could post this on the blog, but no one lets me, and my opinion doesnt really matter to them anyways. Well, here i go:

you guys all type this big ass emails full of hatred, but all sugar coated, so the main point is still left to be found, but oh well, here goes.

Jason: wow, quit being an asshole. you go through these happy/asshole/happy/asshole mood swings, it fucking sucks, knock it off. Pull away from the sad world you've created and see the people that are surrounding you. They all care about you and your well-being, but you are too busy looking for reasons to be depressed.

BW- glad things are finally working out for you, or so you say. though i have noticed that you seem to be missing being involved in everyone's problems. dont. be glad that you dont have to put up with all the teen drama bullshit.

Sam- its nice of you to openly express your opinions about people, but if its not true, then shut your fucking mouth. you cant control anyone else but yourself. "realized the love dot' you love you....yea, thats it, get over it" but on a better note, your a pretty good friend to have around cause you are always there to lend your advice an opinions, no matter how odd they may be.

Zac- good for you...concerning everything. yea, dont listen to what other people are saying about you, it'll only corrupot the good. And it is good to take a break from your friends to spend time with jessica or whom ever, they'll get over it, and if they dont, fuck 'em, you dont need 'friends' like that.

shuff- im glad that you are happy. just make sure that you dont get yourself into anything you'll regret. And make sure that you dont get led on and arent leading yourself on...2 very bad things that no one deserves, especially not you.
also, make sure that when you are being sarcastic that people know about it, cause lots of people dont get your sense of humor and are easily offended by it.

Bryce- life sucks, then you die...get over it. we all go through shit. you just feel better in making your public. but let the record show that if you arent doing anything to ameliorate your problems, then its your fault.

Jenna- your a lucky person, you have a lot of things going for you, just make sure that you know what you want before you leave what you had.

Jessica- good for you for bitching at people. needed to be done. no one's opinion should ruin what you have. especially since what you have is a good thing. and one last thought though, STOP BICHING ABOUT JENNA, if you have a problem with her, then tell her, dont just bitch about it, it wont solve anything.

Ann- thanks

Well, thats what i'll end with. no one need reply back, cause after all, im just a stupid bitch who doesnt know anything about anything but i figured i'd share my thoughts with some, but just mainly me.

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