Wednesday, October 31, 2001

Yeah, i hate writting this kind of post, cause well, it sucks ass. But, the fact is that i just need to get it out. And no Ann, its not cause i dont have the balls to say it in person, its cause its late and i can't talk to anyone face to face, and its in my mind now, so here goes:

Item 1: Zac/Jessica- I refuse to try to fathom the mind of Zac and Jessica. Know why? cause im not them. It seems kind of strange to me that you guys would think that the only reason jessica is with him is for attention. I mean, sure thats a possibility, but Jessica is an attractive girl, and im sure could find petty attention other places. maybe she got jelous sure, but what REALLY disturbs me about all this is i seem to be the only one considering, maybe, just maybe, (sarcasm) that Zac and Jessica actually.. *gasp* like each other! MY GOD! could it be they enjoy each others company, feel strongly about each other, and find each other attractive? Whats that? a relationship that isn't based on some fucked up scandel? JESUS CHRIST IN A BIRCH BARK CANOE NO! (/sarcasm) I mean come on guys, Zac isn't dating you, let him spend his time with whomever he wants however he wants. Maybe Jason, he doesn't find your jokes funny? Maybe he only laughs at them when you're in private to make you feel better, and doesn't feel he needs to do that when hes around Jessica? Hmm.... couuuuuuuuld be? I know, given the opportunity id rather hang out with jenna AND friends then just friends. I mean, sometime friend time is cool, but I know i really like Jenna, im sure Zac really likes jessica, and i think we're sort of on the same wavelength. its called affection and passion boys and girls, learn it well. We like to be touched, we like to be held, we like to be kissed, we like to be romantic and sweet, and most of all, we like to know that the other person, (at least we think) feels the same way! Instead, hanging out with friends you cosntantly insult/insulted back, and while this is in jest, its defintly not a showing of (theres that word again) affection! But, yous guys is my homies, so i try to hang out with you guys too, and im sure Zac will soon also, but for christ sakes, instead of guilting him about hanging out with her more then you, fucking let him enjoy the feeling of being wanted. I mean, I know you've all had that friend at one point who thats all you wanted to hang out with. SAME THING! sept, one gets making out prilages, the other (with the exception of bw *kiss kiss*) dont. To sum this up. All else: back off, Zac/Jessica: wrap up.

Item 2. Me/Jenna. WHY DOES EVERYONE ASSUME WE'RE FUCKING? Am I a slut? Besides her distant past, what do you have ANY idea about Jenna's sex life? Do people assume Shuffy and Jennie are fucking? Or Mallory and Dom? Holy shit, everyone knows Dom is a player, and that they are constantly skipping school when no one is at their house, but fuck no, no one assumes that they are doing the horizontal-monkey-dance! In a word: Fuck ya'll, if indeed I fucked Jenna, wow i wish id known about it. Maybe i enjoyed it but the drugs erased my memory, but im pretty sure id remember having sex for the first time, m'kay? Subitem 1. As i understand it, at least Jason is worried about me getting weird because he hugs/holds Jenna when shes feeling sad and im not there. I can see it in Shuffys eyes when she hugs him and he looks at me. I DONT CARE! I am ... well, completly insecure about our relationship out of no fault of hers, but out of my own little problems i've had in the past with girls i've gotten to really like/love. But, the fact of the matter is that i trust you guys enogh to know you wont try to move in on my girlfriend (bryce=exception) so, you can hug her, hold her, whatever you/she needs, so long as its on a friendly basis. I know that if Jenny, or Jessica was crying and no one was around id hug them or hold them if they wanted me to, because its the right thing to do to try to make your friends feel better when they are sad. Same with guy friends, sept not hug or anything, but talk with and try to make feel better. Just a different responce to a more sensative type of person. So go for it, I'm greatfull to anyone that would help her out when she needs it.

Item three: Damn thats annoying: STOPIT! WHY DO YOU DO THIS! "Hmm... im just gonna post that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE has hurt me/pissed me off/stabbed me in the back/is moving in on my girl/worrying me/scaring me/ whatever the hell. but... thats all you get to know. period." Life is simple guys, if your gonna say part of something say the fucking rest of it. No sighs and chuckles because you know someone will ask you what then you can say "nothing" I try not to do this myself, but im especially bad at always asking "what?" And everyone, self included, has things about them people dont like. GET OVER IT! no one is perfect, everyone pisses everyone off at one time or another, dont let it end friendships or start feuds or anything, its stupid.

Item four: Sickness: Coos Bay, is a sickness. Being there is a lack of anything better to do, well, you make stuff. Without any drama from the outside you make yoru own drama on the inside! whee! fun! Meaning: You go off and hurt your own relationship, stab backs, tell lies or half truths, hate, breed rivalry, all because at least its exciting. JESUS! STOP! you're ruining the best years of your lives by doing this, right now you have the smallest (enjoyment of) freedom to responsability you'll ever have in your life. ENJOY THE FUCK OUT OF IT! but dont do this, by fucking with other people. That said: Waffles.

Ok.. think i spewed most of what i wanted to say... in conclusion, id like to point out any of the opinions on this post may or may not be correct, they are just opinions of the time, and are subject to change very quickly. Thank you and have a nice night.

Oh, IMO: Halloween sucked donkey. Jason already told it all, got shitty body high from smoking a clove to fast. Drag. Lates.

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