Friday, November 02, 2001

ahhh, i've been composing this list because, damn, list are cool (high fidelity, enough said). things i LOVE: my friends (no matter what), the smell of cold in your nose when you breath deeply, watching things (not to be confused with voyerism..can't spell..meh), toast, the first and last bite of pizza, random compliments from strangers, and the way that everyone is perfect in one moment (email me for explanation). those are just a everyone, write some stuff dammit. and jason, its so cool of you to openly admit your past immaturities and make a real effort. can't wait to see you in ten month (all of you for that matter..)!!. and jenna?? did you get my emails that i sent like a week ago? check in zairdae AND in jenna_renee. much love to all

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