Sunday, October 28, 2001

Well well well. I've decided to post more. While on the topic of bashing Chris, make a note to yourself chris. no one cares about what you say. ok, now that I've bashed someone elses self esteem, and replinished mine, I shall continue(twas a joke people) As my good ol' pal shuff would put it, "Everythings going fine in Jason-land." And it is, and its beautiful. For the first time in a long time, I'm on a better basis of joy and happiness, and the sadness has diminished greatly. Damn I'm happy right now. Though I envy almost all of you bastards for being in a wonderful relationship with someone. Although i am also aware that unfortunately within your relationships there are also issues. But I envy you for being so happy. It's looking as though Dan the Man's philosophy is starting to settle in "In the long run, everything eventually works out." or something like that. But then again who knows. Maybe some disgruntled muslim radicals will nuke us all in a few days. I hope its after the FIF concert though. Well my friends, I'm out.

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