Friday, November 02, 2001

Hmm... *climbs atop mountain.* *blinks... hand over eyes for sunlight shielding* *peer* Fuck.. yep, thems some troubled waters i see in the distance.. *peers other way* and my god! The Giant Gan of Antioch(tm) is getting 10,000 lbs of feces hurled at it! sweet baby jesus! Well then.. time to go into hiding *buries self, relizes he can't cover both his head and arms.. opts to cover arms.* *blinks* still fucked.. but not so much.

For those of you that missed the metaphore... well, go away, people as dumb as you need to be shot, or i need to be shot for writing it. Either way.

Oh yeah... nice things: big fatty comforter, sheet, and blanket all freshly washed. NICE! CLEAAAANNN SHEEETS!


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