Friday, October 26, 2001

To any of you it may concern-
I have recently become aware that some people have strange oppinions of the thing with me and Jessica going out now. I'm not going to say who, but somebody actually told me their well structured oppinion (which I am thankful for)...but if any of you have a problem with it, or anything at all, shut your mouths, or come talk to me about it. I know all of you think you know everything about everyones personal lives and what they think, but dont. none of you...not one...knows what is going on between me and her (I intended on this happening). So...oh well, im done talking for now, but heres a summary of everything. 1. You shouldnt have a problem with anything concerning me and Jessica, because you dont know anything, and 2. If you suck ass
Thank you for your time, and have a nice day

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