Sunday, October 21, 2001

This is going to be my general bitch post, I'm at peace, but yeat...I'm bitching...

my first point would have to be Watch out for the e.e. cummings floor, because its everywhere, when it happens pay attention because something important will happen

2.) hmm, don't be the devil, and do nothing you wouldn't tell everyone (meaning, be proud of what you do you spineless fucks)

3.) Jenna- Good job helping old people, next time, remember to add the anthrax BEFORE you give it to the old people

4.) Dammit Zac, Dammit...Dammit...Dammit....

5.) When you love the changes you've made in somebody, then you're just loving yourself...and thats wrong...don't do it

6.) When your coffee has a strong aftertaste of Onions, its time to find a new blend

7.) Find one person to anchor yourself to in times of need, and after those times, give that person a hug goddammit

I'm out, and yeah, if I get any shit for this, I'm going to blow up your house, and eat your uterus (with Ketchup) now back to the g-hetto my G'z!

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