Thursday, October 25, 2001

Hey Blog, how'ya doing...its been a while

but yeah, moving along...I'm a happy, yet stupid, Jack. Oh, yeah, the chicks dig it when the guy takes action...I saw it happen today.

Me to guy- "Take action, its the only way anything will change"
Girl that wanted said guy- *Pleased grin*
Guy- *turns to face girl* "will you go out with me?"

'tis beautiful indeed, go a spine my friends, and get some...or continue to follow the path of Amoeba Man, who constantly eats people...your call. but yeah, wow...our choir is fucking it...come to the next concert. They're very good (and just put in ear plugs when the Symphonic Choir comes on). Also, yeah, when you grow your spine, after using it DON'T PUT IT BACK! Leave it on, it'll help with everything...charisma=g00dx0r

Well, I'm out

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