Thursday, October 04, 2001

well, since i have no life, i found one of those bullshit things that you write when your teacher says that you'll put them in envolopes and read them later...i wrote this in sixth grade, when i actually cared about how i write, so here it is (this is mainly for sam/mallory): I love it when people feel compelled to offer comment on my life and the decisions I make, especially when they do so from a position of ignorance and with the attitude that they, knowing nothing about my life, my experiences or the lessons I carry with me into each situation, know more than I do about my heart and what's best for me....its not much, but hopefully itll help...

in lighter news (dunno if this is the best thing, so i may have jack remove it later)...I've lost friends before due to misunderstandings, and I've lost friends due to simply drifting apart, and to my regret, I didn't do much about it. Now I've got another friendship being tested, and this time I want to do something about it. Problem is, I'm not really sure what to do to come through this tough time with the relationship intact. I'm hoping that by just hanging on and being open about what's going on in my head, things will turn out ok. I don't know what else to do.
I am, once again, coming to terms with the fact that I can't have everything I want. It's a little frightening, but liberating at the same time. I don't really know where im going with this, but yeah, later Bs' <=(plural of B)

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