Monday, October 01, 2001

OH, yea, it seems that we just keep posting cryptic nothings that only mean anything to people who know whats up. And for the ones that don't know whats up, they just think we are stupid, and never come back... good joke folks, keep those-not-so-informed-people off this damn blog! Uh, yea, anyway, How are things? wait, this isn't a person... i hate it when i'm talking to a wall and they don't reply... just like this! I'm being an evil bastard... is it because i'm in a good mood? or is it because i'm ready to rage for the FUN of it? I think i;ve found a good equalibrium between not caring about everything and paying attention to whats important. Even if whats important won't be important tomorrow, it still is today. oh, yea, and I'M NOT SCARY AT SCHOOL!... and if i am, please inform me of this... The song "Pushing Me Away" by Linkin Park is an awsome song as has some small amount of signifigance relating to my recent life. That is all...

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