Monday, October 01, 2001

Open letter to all of my friends/people who care

I would like to appologize for my previous state concerning me being scary... I AM SCARY! and i like being this way for it drives away the people i don't want to talk to. Well, thats not totally true, i might want to talk, i'm just not going to initiate the conversation because i use this as a test for people who care, and what they care about. You may have heard alot about me caring recently... and i've found that i've found a pretty good middle ground on what to care about. I want to talk to pretty much all of my friends again, like back in the day, but people seem to be cold towards me... probably because i was cold to them for a while. I appologize for being this way, lots has happened recently in my life and i would like to get people back up to date, if they are genuninly interested. If they arn't then thats fine, just say that, it won't hurt my feelings, i just own't tell you shit you don't care about. Another thing, i don't get pissed off at people for things they tell me, its the things they don't tell me i get pissed off about. If there is some subject that i express interest in (example: "how are things?") i really do care about that. I only inquire into things i care about, but just because i don't ask about it doesn't mean i don't care. If there is something that you (perverbial "you") think will piss me off, its ALOT better for me to hear it from you, then to head it through the grapevine... as i alwas seem to. I've been cocky about my involvment in the grapevine recently, and i don't like it all that much... i think it should stop, and people should just say what they mean and mean what they say. But i can't really see this ever happening because some people take things more seriously then others. I, personally, don't. Well, thats all i have for now, if you have any questions or comments on anything, or if you just want somebody to talk to, i'm here. I DO care about people... its odd, but its true... That is all...

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