Friday, August 31, 2001

The premise of this post comes from half a month ago. What I was doing, was sitting around and stewing in my own apathy. This also ties into religion...but I will get to that. So I'm sitting, and I realize that all I do is eat, sleep, waste space and oxygen. Which lead to the sum conclusion that my existence was meaningless. You have no idea how bad it sucks to be in that position. Then I realized why people want religion...its something to live your life for when nothing else is left...nothing happening?? Live for god! It helps you avoid the nasty conclusion I came to. So instead of religiously studying the bible, I jump into the shower. I love my has high water rates so it actually is pimp...but I'll stop talking about that. From now on..when I say god..I mean my shower. Also, I completley forgot about my problems, so now when I'm about to have some epiphany or something, I will just hide in my shower for a while and come out changed by my intereations with "god"

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