Monday, August 27, 2001

Hmm, now time for some news. Did you know that a Hob is a male ferret? Neither did I, nor did I want to. Things are fucked up what with the Endangered Species Protection Act. Did you know that 4, count 'em 4, people died? Yeah, how is this differant from the millions of others who died today? They died because people were concerned about the water. Hopefully you've heard about it. You know how those helicopters and airplanes pick up water, and drop it on the fire? Well that was the plan, some firefighters out in the woods, had a fire pretty much under control. They just needed the water otherwise it would get outa control. They call in and request....time passes...8 hours later, the fire is a raging inferno, and people are dieing. This is just wrong...Human lives should not be lost to save fish. Thats the reason the plane never came with the water, the river where it would make a pickup, supposedly had protected fish inside...people died for that.

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