Sunday, August 26, 2001

Hey everybody, I might as well start this off with a bang
Go Here

Here's a link for you. This is happening in Minnesota as well..I seems the government is intent on pushing the people back from the water. In MN along lake Ranier, the lake has risen to 100 year flood levels (to those who don't know, a whole fucking lot), and the govermnet types in charge say they plan to keep it that way.

There is something wrong with this, the people who own the property are being forced back due to inconsiderate lake and river managment. Why is it that when someone takes the problem (and solution) into their own hands, the goverment steps in all a'raged. Its bullshit, I would never pay 100,000 or any part thereof, so that they could move the dirt and shit away...FROM A PROBLEM THAT THEY REFUSED TO DEAL WITH! If anybody cares to discuss this further

my Emails on the sidebar

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