Monday, October 15, 2001

An Open Letter to the People of the United States, Regarding the Terrorist Attacks of September 11th, 2001

Dear America,

I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much I've enjoyed watching you burn, suffer, and cry. Boy did you make a fuss! Such lugubrious whimpering can only be the byproduct of an extremely soft, ignorant collective of people. You're such a spoiled child; so cut off from the rest of the world that you haven't so much as suffered the discomfort of a stubbed toe in over 25 years. If ignorance is bliss, you've been in total fucking euphoria for an entire generation. Let me be the first to welcome you back to reality. That pain you're feeling now is what it feels like to be kicked in the face by it. Stings like hell, doesn't it? Don't worry, the swelling will go down, but you're going to be flinching at just about everything you see for a long, long time. As if you didn't already look stupid enough.

So now you know. The world is a fucking nasty place, and people hate you. You can't really act like you didn't know this already. If you can look in the mirror and honestly believe that nobody in the entire world hates you, I'd really like to know where you buy your drugs. And can I get a bulk discount? All your smug moral superiority, religious self assurance, and global saber rattling couldn't save you from this hate, and in all probability helped to escalate it's spread. You ignored a few bombed embassies and marine barracks. The WTC truck bomb in the early 90's didn't hold your interest. The USS Cole bombing was dismissed. It's taken two destroyed skyscrapers and a section of the pentagon to get your heads out of your asses. Just remember that you still have to wipe the shit from your eyes.

You have every right to be angry, and you damn well should be. If these attacks continue, your stupid fucking economy is only gonna continue it's downward spiral. And if you can't get your money to work for you, you might actually have to get off your fat, bloated ass and work for your money. We certainly can't have that now, can we? But you have absolutely no right to display this hollow demeanor of righteous indignation that is so in fashion these days. Just because you were squeezed out of some bitch's slimy fuck hole within an area of land that is currently designated as "The United States", doesn't automatically make you some untouchable superman to whom the laws of nature do not apply. Waking up is hard to do, but you can't sleep forever, no matter how many Valiums you eat.

Your assertion that this was a cowardly attack is total fantasy. I highly doubt that any of you who used that word to describe the assault would have the balls to pull off the same thing. It was a bold, well planned, highly successful strike. Granted, it wasn't a very strategic move, as the backlash generated will likely be the death of the cause that spawned it. But in and of itself, the attack was nothing short of brilliant. All the negative adjectives in the world won't bring a single fried corpse back to life. They won't recover a single lost dollar. They won't do anything to help soothe the wounded psyche of an entire nation. And they won't make your country safer. While you're strutting around in a red, white, & blue state of patriotic pabulum, these "cowards" are already working on new plans to kill you- no matter how large a thesaurus you hide behind.

I have to give kudos to your news media, the coverage was fantastic! There were more camera angles of the crash than if Bruckheimer himself had shot the footage! I can see it now: Bruce Willis dressed as fireman, running out of the burning tower with a Chinese baby in his right arm and a Mexican baby in his left. He hands them off to a female paramedic, then turns to his black wife and kisses her on the mouth. As the music swells, and you expect the credits to roll, Osama bin Laden jumps out of the crowd with an AK-47, only to be hit in the chest with Bruce's fire ax. Bruce turns to the camera and says, "Not in my town, pal!". I also gotta give credit to the terrorists for giving the media time to get the cameras set up before hitting the second building. Thanks guys, good planning!

Many of you have told me that I shouldn't be enjoying this. You've got to be kidding me. I can't believe you really expect me to get upset over a few thousand dead yuppies. All politics aside, this was some really exciting and entertaining shit. I was positively giddy watching your fat suit and tie ass desperately trying to escape that big dust cloud, only to be engulfed by it in the same manner that you engulfed your 2 and half hour "business" lunch. I hope all the asbestos you inhaled tasted as good as the abalone sperm you slurped down at Nobu. Enjoy your cancer, I know I will.

The Red Cross won't be getting any of my blood. Hell, I wouldn't give them the crust off of my cum rag. I certainly won't be donating money to any of the relief funds. Like I really want my hard earned cash going to help support some Manhattan widow's shopping habits. It's called a job you fucking yenta cunt, enjoy getting one. I hear there's plenty of positions available over at the fire department.

Speaking of the fire department, would you please just stop speaking of the fire department! If I hear one more bullshit statement about how these guys are heroes, I'm gonna throw up. Any retard can run into a burning building and die. I'm not impressed. Those firemen were just a bunch of adrenaline junkies who's sense of duty outweighed their sense of self. Screwed up priorities like that are to be pitied, not praised. Trying to save the lives of worthless preppy assholes is not an activity I place value on. Dying to save the lives of worthless preppy assholes is about the stupidest thing I can imagine. I've started keeping cat turds in my car, and the next one of you cock suckers who shoves a boot in my window while I'm at a red light is gonna wind up with some footwear full of feline feces. My hero.

So where do we go from here? More useless moral whimpering? Your god tells you that you're an angel, their god tells them that you're the devil. Your god tells you to bomb abortion clinics, their god tells them to bomb embassies. Your god tells you to burn Slayer CD's, their god tells them to burn you. Your god tells you that the meek shall inherit the earth, their god tells them that the road to heaven is paved with your corpse. Theists of a more diplomatic nature would be quick to point out that rational followers of either of the aforementioned gods would not condone the bombing of anything. However, since theology has nothing to do with rationality, I can't imagine who they're referring to with that statement.

Forget about God for a minute. Don't worry about being morally superior. Put your indignation on the back burner, and stop waving that fucking flag. You have an enemy that wants to kill you. You had better damn well kill it first. Don't bombard it with propaganda, use fucking high explosives. Stop cutting your military budgets. Gather intelligence. Lift the ban on political assassination. Don't just rattle your saber, unsheathe the fucking thing and start hacking away! Instead of just saying how great the United States is, start showing it. If the rest of the world has a problem with it, kill them too. Kill everyone!!! Take their land. Take their oil. Take their lives. Neutron bomb the fucking entire middle east, and replace them with american citizens. You can't make an omelet without killing a few million people. Don't worry about mixing in innocent civilians with the terrorists. The entire purpose of having a country is to improve the lives of the people who live inside the country. We can no longer afford to be concerned with the lives of those outside the country. If you're really serious about maintaining a country, put your bullets where your mouth is.

Or, you can continue to clean up the rubble from future attacks. Either way, I get to enjoy watching things blow up and people dying. So do whatever you like, I guess I really don't give a fuck one way or the other.

Your fellow American citizen,


Hey everyone, yeah...I know this is quite posibly the evillest shit the blog has ever seen...but hey, life is good! This man has interesting things to say, and most of them ring true. But that's just me, yeah life is good, and hopefully someone finds this interesting

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