Thursday, August 15, 2002

Mmm... this site makes me all hot'n'bothered .

Fuck stains.

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

Jack, you dont ever leave your house you lying little limey. If you were any more pale youd be clear. As it stands you're so damn skinny and unfit that I can see the outlines of your organs when you take off your shirt.

Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah This site may be a little dirty for some of you *coughprudmormonscough* but it'll be ok for the rest.


Monday, August 12, 2002

Domino's is going to charge for delivery?! Its only a buck, but its the final and last sign....

And about me not posting daily.... I LEAVE ME HOUSE... thank you...

Saturday, August 10, 2002

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Friday, August 09, 2002

I'm tired of listening to you cock-fucks bitch and moan about being bored .

**Stolen with kung-fu force from Jordan's forum.**

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

You know, this has to be one of my favorite sites of all time. Check out the library for all kinds of helpfull and interesting things.

Too tired to insult you, so just dwell on the things that make you a bad person. Shit dicks.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Herman Goering (second in command to Adolph Hitler) at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.

Now, if that doesn't scare you, you're a terrorist.

You know, I dont see why this is Jack's blog, I'm the only one that does anything. Look at me! I'm a martyr! Pity me! Fuck heads.

Monday, August 05, 2002

God I'm a pathetic fuck. I spend all my time looking at this crap . Oh well, you're all worse. Fuck you.

Sunday, August 04, 2002

Ever wonder how far small town stupidity can go?

Then again, his last name is Echols... so he's got to be a bastard.
"The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way—all of them who have tried to secularize America—I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.’ "
—Jerry Falwell, September 13, 2001

Fuck.. I don't even have to say anything demeaning about the guy, he does it all himself.
If you don't think this site is funny, do us all a favor and take a tube of glass (florescent lights work for you ladys, small glass tubes for us fellers) stick it into your "naughty orifice", strike with hammer repeatedly.
You want porn? Fine, you can have porn . However, since its from me, its got to be a little twisted. I wonder what the jump start would be like. Raowr.
yay, jak finally let me post, too bad i have nothing to really say.. we arent supposed to use this to talk about why everyone sucks ass, so basically the blog is jak's opportunity to have a belonging and a purpoise in life. and jak will be able to sleep better knowing the world is a better place cause i posted mindless website and sam posted porn...
everyone posts cool sites on here, but i dont really do much surfing, so instead, i'll post music that needs be heard
useless generation - dr. dirty sanchez
pull my strings - dead kennedys
fuck shit up - blatz
or anything by nofx, the haunted, ben kweller, rancid and the white stripes..
[so i am going to the less than jake concert in august with my buddy madi.. though i am not sure if she can go now.. so anyone who has even heard of them before, tell me and maybe you can go, too.]
(note to all - dont open anything sam posts...(sickness))
You're going to hell anyway, might as wellhave a nice t-shirt.
Yeah, I like this kind of stuff. I also like pouring bleach in my eyes.

No wait, not mine, yours.

Saturday, August 03, 2002

See? I give you comedy , fat chicks in party hats, Jack? Jack gives you crap no one likes.
This website is simply cool. If your into programing at all, its cool, on the front page there are awsome quotes, and there are essays on enat shit also. All around pimp site.
I hope this makes you all cry yourself to sleep tonight.

Though the domain name may sugjest, the site is completly PG. Then again, so was Pee Wee Herman and that bastard Mr. Rogers.
I'm just gonna keep throwing these motherfuckers out there untill I get shut down or censored.

I think the guy who made this site is the man. Here is the e-mail he got from Micro$oft for having this funny little image on his site.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I'm a filthy commie poseur.


I just liked their logo.


Found this one all on my own. Fear me.
Damn, Text Files are the shit. This site has many hours of useless reading in your favorite format!
Whats the best part about a baby?

Your dick looks huge in their mouth.

Here, have a link, you fucking jackels.
Human For Sale - What'll they come up with next?

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

no your not fag

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

haha im the last one

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

k, get ready for the best poem/song EVER....(*note: still searching for an appropriate title...ideas??)

I was just a normal bloke
I wrote The Bible as a joke.
You started up a stupid club,
Other people you did snub.
Killing people in my name,
Starting wars all in vain.
You have followed the wrong guy,
Never asking yourself why.
I had noble goals at first;
Gave you morals for which you thirst.
The righteousness of the church;
Their corruptness makes me lurch.
If I was really the creator,
I think i would have finished later.
Take ten days instead of seven;
If work was slow, I'd take eleven.
Just to be sure I got things right
Not leave things over which to fight.
If I was really the creator,
I wouldn't call myself a savior.
What kind of savior would allow
Us to gorge ourselves on cow?
What kind of savior would permit
All his subjects to feel like shit?

DISCLAIMER: this work is purely in jest and perhaps to make you think about something other than getting some booty/weed. if you feel the need to shoot me after you've read this, rememer, it's that stick up your ass that is causing you to have these urges. if you can't take a joke, then turn the gun around and kill yourself....

Thursday, January 10, 2002

man it blows to not have a pc over christmas....but it sucks even more to have a crappy christmas/new years. and who is nicole? why do you want a mini fetus from me? identify yourself and maybe i'll make one when i get back (and wow, you're the only person who's willing to PAY for that crap. last time i had to give it away because they wouldn't give me a dime...)