Tuesday, February 24, 2009

holy crap, its been a while since i posted here.  The reason for my renewed interest is that i know that the google spider crawls this page and i want to promote snathsystems.com I have a rudimentary page setup for myself that is mostly just my myspace profile stuffs.  I know that i have said this before, but i will be working on this website.  Snath Systems (if you were wondering) is a company my dad set up to do computer consulting.  We are working on an industrial PC right now.  Something that is very powerful (2.5+ GHz dual core, 2gig+ ram) very small box that you can put in your car, RV, boat, spaceship, whatever.  The setup we have in mind right now has a GPS, capture card (TiVo), and about a terabyte of storage.

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