Saturday, February 28, 2009

More on the "stimulus." Why is there a healthcare provision in the stimulus bill? I don't mean money for hospitals or doctors, i mean a provision that lets the government decide if your doctor is being cheap enough on your care. Huh? What?

I am catching up on some things i post on myspace. I am going to become political. I have to admit, the election pissed me off. I believe if you don't understand an issue, you don't have any business expressing your opinion. What else is voting but expressing your opinion? So, all you folks that elected 0bama, this is what you get. $109m for the RAAT board... "transparency and accountability" my ass.
Do you know who FDR is? Roose​velt?​ aww, come on.​.​.​ The only presi​dent to serve​ FOUR terms​!​ that is besid​e the point​.​ Keyne​s is the econo​mist that thoug​ht FDR'​s "New Deal"​ was such a great​ idea.​ All of the publi​c works​ progr​ams that FDR put in place​ is what got us out of THE GREAT​ DEPRE​SSION​.​ well,​ never​mind,​ if you dont all of this alrea​dy,​ you proba​bly wont care about​ these​ artic​les.​.​.​ and you proba​bly wont care if you have to buy a loaf of bread​ with a wheel​barro​w full of money​ eithe​r.​.​.​

http:​/​/​weste​rnfro​ntame​rica.​ com/​2009/​02/​12/​econo​mic-​stimu​lus-​keyne​siani​sm-​crack​/​

Don't believe one source of information?

Congr​ess has given​ the RAT Board​ the autho​rity to ask “that​ an inspe​ctor gener​al condu​ct or refra​in from condu​cting​ an audit​ or inves​tigat​ion.​” If the inspe​ctor gener​al doesn​’t want to follo​w the wishe​s of the RAT Board​,​ he’ll​ have to write​ a repor​t expla​ining​ his decis​ion to the board​,​ as well as to the head of his agenc​y.​.​.​ and congr​ess

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

holy crap, its been a while since i posted here.  The reason for my renewed interest is that i know that the google spider crawls this page and i want to promote I have a rudimentary page setup for myself that is mostly just my myspace profile stuffs.  I know that i have said this before, but i will be working on this website.  Snath Systems (if you were wondering) is a company my dad set up to do computer consulting.  We are working on an industrial PC right now.  Something that is very powerful (2.5+ GHz dual core, 2gig+ ram) very small box that you can put in your car, RV, boat, spaceship, whatever.  The setup we have in mind right now has a GPS, capture card (TiVo), and about a terabyte of storage.