Sunday, December 09, 2001

well.. today has been shit. I would like to know why people make plans two days ahead of time and then just fuck them over the day they're supposed to happen. I mean, we have common fucking sense right? Does it not apply in this case? The inability to count on anything is driving me insane. How does one look forward to something when he knows it isn't going to happen?
In my case, I am trying very hard to overcome this depression and I'm told constantly to look forward to things. It is supposed to make things easier. I really do not have much to look forward to at this point, so I'm starting with small things like, oh, I don't know, hanging out with friends. That's the problem. Everytime I make plans with someone, they never work out. Can someone tell me why? Is it because they're just trying to make me feel better at any given time? When the day arrives, there is no call, so I call them. Usually, the answer is, "Oh yeah, well I totally forgot about my homework." . That is understandable to an extent, but shouldn't the person THINK about what they have to do before planning other things? It's even better when you find out someone else is hanging out there. I mean, wow you just really feel appreciated then. There is no way you can just hang up the phone and not feel pissed off.
Just think about this, wouldn't it be nice to be able to count on someone who is supposed to be considered a friend?
Well mabye it might take you a few minutes, but don't think too hard kiddies. You might actually use some of that intelligence stuff you hear about all the time.

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