Friday, December 21, 2001

This is from Nichole:

Hey wow, I didnt notice how petty you can be. Its nice how you can be friends for one moment until you get pissed off by something the other person says, isn't it? Actually, this happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME! Its like, 'Oh hey yeah,that guy is cool' and 5 minutes later 'Oh my god that person is such an asshole.. I can't believe what they did..' Yeah, even I am guilty of doing that, but its really time to stop. Hey, sam.. remember when you said you weren't gonna get mad at me for what I said about one of your crazyass friends? Yeah, then you got mad.. hey it's human nature.. you should realize that, though, before you say something like that. So how about lets all remove the sticks out of our asses and get on with life as it should be.

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